I know behavior like this from celebrities tends to be frowned upon, but can't really fault Wiig or anyone similar. (Provided they're not assholes about it.) Hell, I like my privacy. Privacy is great. Everyone should have some.
I know behavior like this from celebrities tends to be frowned upon, but can't really fault Wiig or anyone similar. (Provided they're not assholes about it.) Hell, I like my privacy. Privacy is great. Everyone should have some.
Wasn't Crystal Pepsi reasonably popular? Or at least compared to New Coke, which was the pariah of the 1980s.
So Bear is the new Jaden/Jayden/Jaiden?
I'll side with you on Idris. If this was an Elba marathon, I'd probably have skipped work by now and figured out how to inject Luther straight into my veins.
Constantine is actually our running gag, as he thought it was great, but I'm a huge fan of the comic book and it triggers rage strokes in me. It's too bad that they couldn't tweak the story a bit, because anything with Tilda + Djimon Hounsou + Gavin Rossdale + Rachel Weisz is lousy with potential awesome.
I'm one of those heathens who doesn't find him attractive. As in, I can understand why other people do — he is clearly aesthetically pleasing — but Keanu does nothing for me in looks or talent. Would you mind having a movie marathon with my gentleman friend? He'd probably appreciate having someone else around who…
What is a helm without a patriarch? It is like a sky with no stars.
I'm aware, and I agree. To be honest, I'm not sure what the resulting fix is. Mattel clearly won't drop their going rate too much, and most people aren't willing or able to burn that kind of cash on an underprivileged child.
Speaking for myself, if you know any readers or even any girls who just want to read other girls' stories, then I think they make great gifts. They're relatively short books, and each one typically covers the individual girl's situation, her daily life, and the current challenge she's dealing with.
Can you elaborate on what makes them horrible? I'm aware that they shouldn't be considered for absolute historical accuracy. I do, however, recall them admirable for getting girls to read about relatable characters who faced challenges and moral dilemmas before coming out the other side.
God, yes. I was probably in the double digits by the time I discovered American Girls, but my cousin wound up with several dolls, and I loveloveloved reading the books and poring over the catalogs. I have to give the company's marketing department credit, because all the little furniture and clothes and accessories…
Depending on the when and where, the dolls may have been catalog-only. I know they were when I was a kid — no American Girl stores back then. They were also very much a status symbol at the time, as the basic dolls weren't cheap, and then of course there were the various books and accessories to pile on top that.
I have similar thoughts every time the American Girls gets another online article. But as nostalgic as I get over the original dolls, the prospect of having customizeable versions are so great. How cool is it for kids to be able to build dolls which look like them, especially in cases where they might not get fair…
My takeaway from this article is that I'm sad to not know any little girls who fit this demographic, as I'd love to buy the American Girls books for holiday gifts. My cousin was always the one who had the dolls, but I remember sneaking off with the accompanying books and loving them to death. They were really great,…
God, the eyebrows on that woman. Way to work it, Jenna.
Without question. What boggles the mind is why they'd be so lazy, when you'd think that a giant pool of relatively untapped cash is right there for the taking. Unless they believe they don't understand girls/women whatsoever and thus couldn't actually think of any products to sell.
Disregarding the fact that loads of girls do buy toys (hey there! I spent most of the 1990s collecting X-Men action figures; how about you?), and even more will as gender-neutral shows and toys continue to be made available to them... this comes down to a failure not on the kids' part (obviously), but the marketing…
In an extremely roundabout way, I think they will. Similar to how they addressed Stark's alcoholism, which is to say that the writers danced around it at best, and I'd be surprised if the same didn't happen here.
The thought of starting the whole shebang off with O'Grady makes me feel a little queasy. I hope that's not the case. Pym is my forever-favorite, but I'd take Lang over O'Grady any day.
Adding her to the Tilda/Bowie love-a-thon, posthaste.