I will never understand what possesses grown men to watch grown men perform "wrestling"
I will never understand what possesses grown men to watch grown men perform "wrestling"
Do they have it for the Google Nexus 5? Asking for a friend....
You can see how seriously the WNBA is taken, even by Deadspin. Jason Collins and Michael Sam have gotten uber coverage for being the first openly gay players in a major league, meanwhile a sizable portion of the WNBA has been openly gay since the beginning
I love how "taking action" now means buying a gun and shooting someone. All other options are so quickly dismissed and we go straight to killing someone as a means of resolution. *slow insane golf clap*
All your points are valid, but just a reminder that this is deadspin...If slightly off color jokes about serious topics upsets you, this may not be the best site for you to comment on.
If that's at the French Open, shouldn't somebody be wearing a Raspberry Beret?
Wait, I'm confused. Individual coaches can't be certified, but that website he posted (oh, that's your website? Huh, how about that.) clearly says "coach certification"? And the fact you literally said "online certification is an important step" a couple lines later? You can see where he'd be confused, no?
It makes me unreasonably angry that there are people who think a business reporter's job should include rewriting press releases. Though that's more of an indictment of business journalism than of readers, I suppose.
No, no, no, you don't understand! It's only welfare when "THOSE PEOPLE" get it.
Conservative? As in, "It is estimated (conservatively) Rush Limbaugh takes 30 Vicodin a day."
What hypocrisy. Deadspin tells us that it was wrong for NFL doctors to push players to dope themselves, but then tries to get its readers to dope ourselves by making us listen to Colin Cowherd.
They must not be very prominent Republicans, because those guys tend to dodge drafts.
We're looking at a future NBA dominated by guys named Tacko Fall and Thon Maker and other word combinations you might say when having a stroke.
I'm no scientist but why is he ducking if it's an 8 ft doorway and he's 7'5?
You mean he hasn't knocked up or murdered anyone?
Coming up next, Mike Wise breaks down the entire Redskins lineup, and runs through the Redskins needs for this upcoming season, when the Redskins won't make any promises they can't keep!
Dad: Well maybe if you let me wear a glove I wouldn't have made that mistake!
As a Colts fan who grew up in Indiana but lived in Baltimore for several years, I say to the good people there, "For the love of all things holy and sacred, GET OVER IT." You have a football team again who has won twice as many Super Bowls than the Colts have since they left Baltimore. But aside from that, it happened…