Holy christ you people can be some petty motherfuckers at times.
Holy christ you people can be some petty motherfuckers at times.
As opposed to who? Savage? Osweiler? Hoyer? Glennon? Shit, the list of QB’s on rosters would show at least half backups and starters are worse. You’re an idiot... but keep drinking the juice.
As an athiest, I take exception to your claim that we all have souls. But keep living the dream.
Ah yes, the old “They’re doing it so why can’t we” defense typically used by kids. “Everyone else is killing people so I should too”.
Please... you have to assume that the majority of major schools/coaches are not cheating for your logic to work. You can’t stick your head in the sand that deep. If anything, he’s a better cheater than the rest of the cheaters.
Predominantly white, predominantly southern sport doesn’t like kneeling during national anthem but totally cool with statues/flags representing the biggest act of treason in country’s history.... makes total sense.
We can all rest better knowing that someone protested according to your standards. Keap consulted military vets, kneeling has never been a sign of disrespect until the hand wringing crowd said it was. The “others” you refer to were doing the same thing. Stop being a whiny little bitch about others exercising their…
I disagree, most peeps are intelligent enough to grasp the big picture but they’re more concerned about the picture small enough to fit inside their wallet. Anything that smacks of them losing privilege scares them to death.
Wow, that comparison just flew right over you didn’t it? Maybe you should let the adults talk while you continue to educate yourself.
I think it’s not a leap to say it’s a national (and well deserved) tradition.
Wow are you stupid
Except that it doesn’t punish everyone involved but hey, hyperbole and all that right?
They’re not liberal... but you keep buying that bullshit. Unless of course you feel that saying “people should be treated good” is just a liberal concept and you want to fight that.
I disagree, Bannon has stated he believes Trump will want him back at some point so he won’t be burning any bridges just yet. It was Kelly that fired him and Bannon knows Trump is easily influenced... I have no doubt that Bannon will be on Trumps side far more often than not in whatever he ends up doing. Trump is the…
Idiot... people can’t be bothered anymore with the red herring bullshit peeps like you puke up on a regular basis. Yup, I called you “peeps”... I hope your bigot vein is popping as a result.
wow, could you be more of a fool?
You win the moronic comment of the day award. I can’t be bothered explaining just how wrong you are so I leave you with this..... idiot.
Pretty sure the entire premise of the article is that ignoring a politicians stance on minorities in order to save yourself some tax dollars makes you just as guilty of bigotry as the bigoted politician. Comprehension is key.
Yup, because she didn’t spend her campaign belittling minorities, poor people, women, and war heroes. Lesser of two evils. And if that is all you got to hang your hat on, it pretty much proves how wrong you are.