
I often hear American sports pundits disparage fan conduct here in the states, and frequently for good reason. But we're nowhere near as offensive as European soccer fans. Maybe being a fan of an inherently boring sport leads to increased rage.

These days, no one in Oklahoma knows how to execute.

I got that it was a pun. I didn't get that it was a joke. If you're point is "we used to get jokes here" you should also consider "the jokes should be funny" to be your standard.

Surprised this is coming out already. Usually it takes Tallahassee forever to respond to a rape.

Just looks like a bunch of police taking advantage of a situation to use their training. I haven't seen one video yet where their aggressive posture was necessary.

#12: you ever seen a grown man naked?

Elaine: You didn't shake his hand?

My guess is they just assumed Perkins would be standing around in the middle of whatever it is they were trying to do anyway.

Ironic shitposting is still shitposting.

This Santa deserved to get shot if for anything because he was a day early. The only mythical character allowed to come on the Eve is Adam.

"Here was a large, unkempt, suspicious-looking man, threatening to make lists about my kids, then break into my house tonight with a 'delivery'. I acted on instinct."

"At the end of the day we brothas and nothin gonna change that"

I have zero interest in the issue you're talking about but I want to point out how stupid what you just said was:
"If you don't understand something, having someone explain it to you won't help"
How could that EVER be true? Maybe you just suck at explaining things?

Heh heh, "Big 10".

I think his name is Ian Spencer.

Dan Snyder is completely right, they should keep the Redskins name to preserve their long heritage and history of being the most racially intolerant franchise in the NFL

If the theater department was looking for a tolerant audience, they should have gone across the street to New Miss