
My money’s on Keven Love. We all know we whitey’s are not prone to using the baby powder effectively and she said he had a regular sized dick rather than going the “didn’t fit the cliche” route.

Look up the word “raze” grasshopper.

The difference is that the crazy right encourages violent acts to be committed by people towards other people. Not to mention that most on the left are smart enough to recognize that nobody is actually advocating the dude dies. Trying to compare the base of the left and the base of the right are like apples and

Indeed, as opposed to the Right that would have been cheering wildly. Idiot.

Thank you for showing me I have no need to read any of your comments from now on..... you’re clearly not very bright or observant. I guess that’s what happens when you start replacing factual accuracy with “wishfull thinking”.

If ever there was a video made for the Benny Hill theme, this is it.

Actually, again... you’re an idiot. HE WAS SITTING WITH HIS GF! How is that poor judgement? A hormone driven teenager wants to sit with his gf... but yeah, you got the hot take on him and his poor judgement.

Did you even read the post? He was hanging out with his gf, what the fuck is wrong with that.... and your use of “probably” is disturbing.

Goddamn could you be more of a douche? You assume that the only people on bc are single floozy women. Here’s something you may not know since you’re apparently stuck in the 50’s “leave it to beaver”... married couples are on bc too and you’re saying they shouldn’t have sex? I suppose I shouldn’t expect much from

You do realize that you were explaining a “typical” hit by using terms like “proper form” and “perfect form” right? I don’t think “typical” means what you think it means.

ok, it’s clear you’re an idiot and I’m going to stop now. How about you list all the Deadspin posts about this? I bet you find a few only. Douche.

Oh and one more thing, I’m pretty sure propaganda doesn’t mean what you think it means.

Wow..... this is stupid on so many levels. “Hey, instead of blogging about all the car accidents at a dangerous intersection, why not talk about all the cars that didn’t crash?”..... see how stupid that sounds?

Nope, could just be two kids in the huddle talking it out.

On the off chance you’re being serious, Hall Of Famers

It was a question and not a statement. I suppose the question was the point, but since you started this ball rolling, what is your point asking what my point is?

Pretty sure I was only talking about Joe Morgan and Rickey Henderson and while I don’t claim to be an expert at math, by my count that adds up to two. The third may also be but I was thinking “go with the most recent”.

Ah yes! My year is complete. Nothing is better than the annual Packer’s suck post from here. More of this please, more bad playoff losses, more choke jobs.... more... more... more!

Nice try but you’re not talking about any old “old person”, you’re talking about two HOFers

*Harper even got an RBI, which none of these other guys I’ve never heard of managed to pull off