
I think the simplest explanation is the most logical explanation. The simplest is that he had no reason whatsoever to state "mostly white" in the context of why Oregon is a great state. None. Especially not without qualifying the statement. You get "mostly white" following "filled with great people" it's not

Wait, what? While talking up the great state of Oregon he threw in "mostly white people" as a negative? Your level of disconnect is quite stunning. All he had to do was say it's filled with great people. Period. End. Did he actually say "there is a lack of diversity"?

So in other words he's not all that upset about it since he'll continue to root for that team.

Yet here you are.

Explain how that was taken out of context when he was stating reasons he likes Oregon.... he said it's filled with wonderful people and could have stopped there. But, he had to point out they're mostly white..... so again, how is that out of context?

"moron" says the guy who combined two words into one word that makes it a non-word.

I can think of nothing that surprises me less than that douche liking a place for, among other things, "mostly white people.

(Randle-El KaBong co-worker) "Jeezus I can't move my neck... it's fucking killing me from that car accident".

I think he's just expressing his feelings on his receded hairline. The dude in the baby blue/white sweater clearly relates to what he's saying.

Lemon's a tool, get over it. Being wrong is being wrong and that dude is wrong about a lot of things a lot of the time.

Your argument only works if you ignore the fact that white privilege has been institutionalized since the founding of this country. That's some colossal disconnect you got going on.

How do you go from acid trip to weed? Where do you get your knowledge of drugs?

Mark Sanchez automatically triggrs the Benny Hill song in my head. Sam Bradford triggers the "Whaugh Whaugh" sad sound in my head. I've already ordered direct TV just so I can watch every Eagles game. I don't want to miss that moment Bradford is injured and it goes from Whaugh Whaugh sad sound to Benny Hill in my

You say tomato I say tomahto

Well put though I'm not sure there is enough water in the world for me to shower off the notion that "Peter King is the voice of reason" on this.

If by "getting people's dander up" you mean "proclaiming to the world what an uneducated ass I am", it worked quite well.

The "got better at RB" only makes sense if those running backs are running behind an O-line as good as Dallas.

Seems to me you're the one that equated bitches with women here....

What would you have had them do? Not wanting to be a part of something like this is taking a stand. Granted in a perfect world they would be exposed and shut down like the ones at OK but geezus. I'll ask you again, what would you do?

That's gotta be staged. Rope around the ankles while wearing thin socks... the weight of the tires and friction on the asphalt would scorch those ankles goood. No way I buy he's doing this for any length of time. One and done maybe.