
That's a mistake on my part, meant for a different comment

Your links doesn't make this post wrong.

I don't think genocide means what you think it means... just sayin.

I disagree, he wasn't masturbating all over the place, just at the police station... his insane rampage culminated in a masturbatory fit at the police station. Insane is the act, masturbating is the pop shot if you will.

I honestly believe you'd get more shaming for eating a dog than you would a bald eagle.

As much as it pains me to say this but I'm on Simmons side. True or not, throwing colleagues under the bus is just bad taste all around... especially if they don't give him a chance to call in.

That's just stupid reasoning, one... he would have gotten paid better if he played in even one season's worth of games. Two, he would have fallen under the players union which provides some benefits as well, and finally, his insurance policy would have been much higher. Idiot.

Nice, short, and sweet answer to a well thought out comment contradicting your original comment. I think a more effective response would have been "You're right, I'm kind of a tool" but we all get the idea. I admire your self importance in assuming all you need to say is "I disagree" as though yours is the only

The Fresh Prince fan society rejoices while the Grizzly Adams fan society weeps.

Really? You're going to get this worked up over a comment about sound mix comment? You're wound way too tight, get yourself some therapy.

The "ugly fruit" is this... Basketball is one thing but it's wholly irresponsible to put a kid with special needs on a football field and not make it clear to the other team what's going on. It's become a thing and that "thing" has morphed into "look how great we are doing this for this kid!" and safety/common sense

I don't know how the 3 Musketeers are not right in front of that Hershey's Special.... especially since Mr. Goodbar never really lives up to the name. Rumor has it they're just biding their time until they can get up to that Nutrageous Butterfinger and a whole new kind of Almond Joy.

How Wolverine isn't #1 is beyond me, you're letting movies influence you too much.

Butthurt much?

Right, hence all the massive coverage about head trauma and concussions the last few years because, you know, everybody knew that was going to happen.

The difference being soldiers already know getting shot is an occupational hazard going in. Also, if being a professional football player requires "very little actual work", everyone would do it.

Just a good ole Georgia boy expressing himself, nothing more...

If someone ever tells me I'm not white enough my only response will be "thank you for saying that". I thought being pigeon holed was an 80's thing.

You raise a valid point on everything but the "wire". It's the neck chord to hold them around your neck when you take them out.

God help me these guys are so inept I'm actually becoming a fan.