Holy crap that top gif is some sweet treats. I could watch that all day.
Holy crap that top gif is some sweet treats. I could watch that all day.
In my neck of the woods, "Shitting your dick" was referred to as a "Grumpy Enid". But since my neck of the woods was Minnesota, that usually only happened when you took your first stepped outside on a January morning. It was nice to do it from the comfort of my sofa for a change... +1.
Right? Geezus this system sucks.
Always love the unexpected porn reference... +1
It's not rocket science. The NCAA shouldn't even leave it up to the school in this circumstance. That's why they're both (Alabama and the NCAA) such douchebags in this.
Except, you know.... things like justice, equality, and basic humanity, all 3 of which seems to have packed up and left St. Louis.
While I can't say for sure, I find it hard to believe that any high profile athlete pays close attention to the charity or charities they've established. They should, but I'm betting they don't. Do you really think he's sitting at a desk thinking "Hmmm... east Texas food bank or North.... what to do"?
I work with a lot of people that live in St. Louis and I seriously come "this close" to saving my vacation time for the playoffs just so I don't have to deal with those insufferable bastards.
You should probably try knowing something of which you speak before you speak it.
Yes, because someone pointed out bad officiating, he must be a homer. I'm not surprised that someone who seems to think Deadspin should be all about what you want would have to label "homer" instead of just taking the post for what it is.... not to mention conveniently ignoring all the parts where the author…
Yeah, you're not even close on that. Just because players knowingly play with a concussion doesn't mean a coach should be cavalier about the possibility of one. Not to mention the complete bullshit that the coach said the day after. I admit I lost respect for your comment once I saw you put concussion in quotation…
He's a guy, in his head you're looking at it every night while laying in bed and eventually you'll think "I should call him". At least, that's why I do it.... except in my case I have to fake jumping on the bed first because I'm not that tall...
And ALL of it could have been avoided if she had just said "Look, I don't think this is going to work". Drives me crazy when people think flat out ignoring someone is acceptable. Be adults for fuck sake. Don't get me wrong, dude is crazy but geezus.... she said she had plans so she didn't respond.... you be rude…
Well, yes... except you clearly don't understand what the first amendment means so there's that.
Who's got time to dress when you get that fast food craving?
It gives me an awesome feeling when I want to look up my team in the bar graph and I have to scroll over since it doesn't fit on one screen. Skol Vikings!..... *sigh
600 women... geezus. That got me.. well spoken.
Sooo.... you're saying when the cop says "NFL executinve", he/she meant "NFL executive secretary"?
This... Boom!
Bravo on this!