Usually, the normal attacks can't be avoided by moving around—they have to be tanked by some class that can soak up damage. But bosses usually have special attacks, and positioning is usually important to avoid those attacks.
Usually, the normal attacks can't be avoided by moving around—they have to be tanked by some class that can soak up damage. But bosses usually have special attacks, and positioning is usually important to avoid those attacks.
Whenever I read about new MMOs, I always get this strange feeling: half wistful nostalgia for when I used to play MMOs, and half "I could never ever commit the time to playing an MMO ever again." If someone could find a way to capitalize on that feeling of playing an MMO without the compulsion/time commitment, I would…
I was hoping this would tell me how to actually find people, because the only trick I've found is that Publix seems to be a good spot to get streetpasses. :( (As in, I've had like two streetpasses at Publix compared to none everywhere else.) I carry my 3DS around a lot, too.
I feel kind of bad for you, because you started this thread with a totally reasonable position and then angry people (on both sides) came along and blew it out of proportion. :(
I have no opinion on this game (haven't played it!), but I disagree with this on principle. Picking the person most likely to like the game and having them play it isn't a review, it's marketing for the game. If you're exactly the type of person who would like this game, you don't need a review to tell you to buy the…
It's easy to despair that we're just going to get spoiled about every big game from now on. But have some hope. Look back to this spring and the culmination of the third season of HBO's Game of Thrones. The penultimate episode depicted one of the most shocking scenes in TV drama history. Those fans who had read the…
It's not always that strange. Most ads are really poorly targeted (I guess Facebook figured that it would give me ads for Jewish, Christian, and Muslim dating sites and just hope one hit the mark), but on the off chance something advertises a product that I actually want and is from a company that isn't super sketchy,…
I actually kind of like this. I was meh about it at first because I feel like pokemon is a bit overcomplicated already, but the idea of a super-saiyan-esque pokemon move would sort of fit. And if the "super training" replaces EVs, that would be really awesome.
I think there is no perfect game, and not just because of subjectivity. I don't think there is a perfect game for me personally, because the best thing that I crave from games is new experiences. The perfect game would have to be constantly reinventing itself into different games, at which point it would be hard to…
I've been thinking about this lately after I finished playing Skyrim. About halfway through Skyrim I realized I couldn't do anything at all in the game without stopping and checking a guide online to see what I should do next to get the things I wanted, or how best to maximize stats or something like that. It starts…
I'll never understand why people think being an asshole is a bad thing if you do it once, but if being an asshole is your thing and you do it constantly, it's fine. If you choose to be vitriolic and abrasive in order to draw attention to yourself, you assume the risk that the attention you draw will not be the kind of…
If only he would let me ride him through the town! I'm going to send him a letter tomorrow asking if he gives rides... basically, she was just doing a "tell me not to move out so I'll feel like you like me," only I actually let her move out? Oops.
In your defense, a clown ram sounds pretty scary. I don't dislike clowns really, but the combination of clown and ram sounds a bit scary.
I have so many screenshots of conversations like this on my 3DS. Avery walks up to me once and asks what kind of animal he would be, so I answer an eagle (which he is). His response: "What?! Oh. Yeah. Real imaginative. THAT'S WHAT I ACTUALLY AM!"
I've gotta say, I've never played FFVII and if I were to go back and play it, I'd rather play this 2D version than the 3D one. It looks great, especially compared to how dated FFVII's graphics look now...
I think if she wasn't bothered by using an ellipsis in place of a question mark a missing comma or two won't be a big deal.
It's possible that you may be underestimating the number of people who don't have any of those things. Blu-ray players aren't rare, but plenty of people still only watch DVDs, and lots of people aren't gamers. Also, not all blu-ray players can access Netflix. I don't see that many smart TVs in the wild really.
a headshot weekend challenge that requires players to cumulatively headshot 1 million baddies in a 3 day period. And every person who participates and meets the challenge’s goals gets the unlock on his or her achievement history and reaps its reward.
I think I'm leaning PS4 right now, but I don't get why people think this is that important. I mean, no one says you should buy a console over a PC because PCs aren't designed solely for gaming. If Microsoft's goal is more focused on a broader living room strategy, but the games are still good, who cares?