
Please please please please please pleeaaassseeee be a smaller scale game in terms of importance. I don't want another galaxy destroying threat on my hands like every RPG/sci-fi game out there.

Give me something small like a detective/private eye tale where it's revealed to be far more than meets the eye. Let me


Play it with a real life friend either online with voice chat or split-screen. It's a blast. The game sucked until my brother stated playing it with me (he had previously played through the whole thing himself at another friend's place).

I don't normally do visual novels, but when I do, it's always Phoenix Wright.

How would that be any different than getting a store bought version stolen?


We have something in common Major Nelson, I'm not a big fan of the XBone either.

I'm one of the people who has zero problems with the original strip - it works in the context.
HOWEVER, having said that, almost everything that PA creators did after that was a disgrace. Mocking rape victims, the merchendise, the second strip - those were the worst things they could have done in this situation. They

Eh, these games have never appealed to me. I prefer to play the hero.

I have a huge Amazon wishlist chock-full of games for my PS3, most of which aren't even out yet. I won't be getting a next gen console for a long while.

Actually, it's the sort of thing that makes me wonder why you'd pay in-game bells to have Resetti yell at you! Haha, I def didn't do that public works project.

Sweeeeeeeeet. I love putting together murals on this game. Now they finally gave us a better way to share them!


The stylized Don Mattrick is ridiculously good.

do you like sidescrollers? get rayman, i swear to god that game is magnificent

You could do what I do: feel like a major creeper walking by schools to get a Streetpass, assuming they're the most likely to have a 3DS.

AHH! This contains significant information which has caused a pivotal decision to be made.

Blathers - HOOO! Oh my! I do believe I've found something that isn't a part of our museum collection yet! It's an.... apato skull. Yes, yes it's an apato skull! I'll just be taking that!....

Ultra Crrrrrrotchhh!!

Stop deforestation! The power is yours!