
What you can't copyright is facts or ideas—you can't copyright the geographical layout of the subway system, or the idea of a map of a subway system. But you can copyright a particular artist's rendering of the layout of the subway system. Maps are specifically included in 17 USC § 101 as "pictorial, graphic, and

You wouldn't be able to see though, because it would turn off your Xbox first. :)

This is a great point. The headset is a lot less essential if the Kinect can (speculation!) isolate your voice and do some noise-canceling on other things. It's not a big deal to me either way though...I'd rather not have to talk to most people on Live.

Yeah, I did think that was strange. Dark fliers and dark knights seem like they'd make perfect sense with dark magic, so I'm not sure why they can't use it.

Dark magic users are pretty awesome in this game. Nosferatu can be a pretty killer move.

Ah, I see. That makes sense. Thanks!

Is there like a way you can see stats for things like that? Sounds kind of interesting.


It's good, I've been really enjoying it so far! But I'm also studying for the bar exam (super time consuming) and playing Animal Crossing.

Oh yeah, I kind of remember that now. I think that was before I bought the game though so I just kind of skimmed over it. I only got a 3DS around a month ago.

I'm not sure I want to. No telling what that will turn up!

I agree with that. It comes off as kind of odd because you usually see her from the waist up in the game (unless that changes later on, I haven't finished the game yet). That, and a little subtlety is more attractive...

Is Tharja popular? I was considering having my character marry her, because I figured two magic-focused people would make a good match, but her (kind of amusing) creepiness dissuaded me.

I was just thinking how I needed lessons on this! Isabella told me to make a new song, and I was like "What? Composing? Me?" But there are some great ones here I may borrow...

Yeah, there are tons of those now for mobile platforms. I don't play them, but it seems like they're big in the casual market.

I'm not an expert on this contest's rules, but don't the 'shops have to be created specifically for this contest anyway?

Chrome for OSX, yes. Strangely, after I posted that, I returned it to 100% and now it looks I guess thank you for solving my problem somehow, even if I'm not sure how, haha. I actually think the text looks bigger now, so I might have been on like 90% or something before—maybe that was the issue?

What is up with the cord attached to the Xbox One in the second panel of Nerf Now? Is that some sort of statement, or did I miss something?

I personally agree with your overall point, but it's worth noting that with the Kinect so integrated into the Xbox One's system, covering it up might affect how you use the Xbox. If it's going to be used for menus, matching players/controllers, multitasking etc., I'm not sure just covering it up will be a truly valid

If I zoom out it fixes it, but it also makes the text pretty small and difficult to read.