
Not sure if anyone mentioned this (SO MANY REPLIES) but I liked how the show ended with Coulson's 'Huh.' Reminded me of the 'Huh.' given by Malcolm Reynolds in the pilot episode of Firefly.

Alright, I've know Agents of SHIELD got better in the last few episode, but I think last night's episode was the best I've seen from the show yet.

probably one of my favorite shit-stirrers on tumblr put up a post the other day and he wrote something to the effect of, "we should write a post-apocalyptic film with no white people in it, with no explanation, for no reason, and just not address the absence of whiteness—have everybody else represented—and see how

I thought I'd chime in here and explain something quickly. I thought it would be something that the Jez population would be interested to know, as I know that the majority of people who come to this page are sensitive and considerate individuals.

That said, I've been seeing/hearing a lot of people using the word

I have spent over 20 years working in the nonprofit sector. I have develop programs, serve a fundraising director, executive director and now am an executive coach and organizational development consultant for a national youth development organization. You have written a pretty good article, but there is one big

I have to say that scene made me pretty uncomfortable(in a... good way?). The begging for death, the horrifying machine, the doctor freaking out. It was really much deeper than SHIELD has been to this point. I liked the episode, I hope it represents a shift in quality and focus.

The rise of Ma-Ma anyone?

Honestly, after that smittenkitchen farro I'm not sure why people are pushing it with other one-pot pastas. Just make the smittenkitchen farro forever, y'all.

I loved "The Golem and the Jinni." Very possibly my favorite book this year.

I don't care if you dislike Beyonce for whatever reason, or you don't care for her music. YOU CANNOT DENY that she is reaching a mass of young women with this album, an album that uses the word FEMINIST and has a fucking feminist SPEECH in the middle of one of her singles. Who the fuck is doing this in pop music?

Oh god another Beyoncé post! I am so happy.

What I cannot deal with is the fact that Beyonce has a song/video in this album with a quote from Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie about feminism:

Good suggestions! Sometimes the best people to make sure have your back are your coworkers, and a holiday pot luck or a bunch of warm crock pots in the breakroom can make all the difference on a crappy, cold day. :)

Deep dish pizza is not pizza. It's a casserole with a crust. There, I said it.

A weekly faster workout is a great idea! It doesn't have to be difficult, but a fartlek or tempo run can work wonders for both your speed and your overall endurance. Start with something simple like 6 x 1 minute at a "medium-hard" effort (just go by feel) with 2 minutes of easy running in between. Then you can do

In honor of the headline:

I'M SO EXCITED!!!!!! (And if they can get Angela Lansbury to be on an episode, I'll cry the happiest of tears!)

I have numerous workout playlists, but my favorite has to be my "Let's Win the World Cup!!" one: Waka Waka (Shakira), La Copa de Vida (Ricky Martin), Represent (Weezer), Wavin' Flag (K'naan & David Bisbal), and Eye of the Tiger (obv). Gets me seriously PUMPED

I was so bummed when that nice father figure got killed off in the first ep. Then John Cho got his head... bent? Beaten back? Dislocated?