
I'm just going to take this opportunity to mention the wonderful /r/TheBluePill subreddit, whose entire purpose is to mock and satirize /r/TheRedPill douchebags. So, you know, if you want to get your hateread on, with a big slice of mockery on the side, I recommend it. Personally, it's the only way I can stomach that

There are things that are iffy about it, but I've watched seemingly intelligent people get their asses kicked by the legal system. It's bewildering for people that don't know what's what, and that's lots of Americans at various points in our lives. I once ruined a cousin's Xmas by allowing myself to be served custody

A guy tried to ask me if I was into ass play. I said, "Sure. I don't have a problem with getting out the strap on." He didn't like that answer very much, but I have been laughing about it for years.

I agree with this statement. I love champagne and lobster, but not paying an arm and a leg for them when, if chilled/cooked properly, prosecco and crayfish are basically the same fucking thing.

I was pleasantly surprised by how much I enjoyed the episode. They definitely threw the kitchen sink at viewers which can be good or bad depending on how they deal with it in later episodes. Still, I dig the awareness the show has at its silly premise. Should make a fun ride.

I loved it. LOVED it. I cannot tell you how happy I was that they immediately solved the "no one believes you!" problem, which I was starting to find incredibly irritating after half an episode. I thought it hit a lot of the right notes...funny, scary (that mirror shot at the end got a bit jump out of me) and set

I'm reading that story now, and my jaw is dropping. She didn't know whether the pedophile and the unstable woman were in a relationship, where or whether they worked, or even what their real address was. I'd seek out more information about someone I was hiring to watch my pets, or even just water my plants.

I can't work our how that woman, Glenna, adopted a child in the first place. The article says she is a "professional parent" in that she has children to claim government benefits but my understanding is that it is expensive and time consuming to adopt a child. And how can some one who can say "I would've given him

i absolutely think it could work as a spin-off! i think one issue for both superhero tv and movies, but especially tv, is establishing a credible universe where live-action people sometimes wear spandex but also other people wear normal clothes and drive normal cars and get coffee. so if Joss can figure out the

I'll take Monica Rambeau over Carol Danvers any day. After all, she's the first the Captain Marvel to rock both afro and jheri curl, not to mention the intersectionality of her identity and the potential for on-screen representation.

I'm not saying that there aren't logical reasons for pursing their business strategy. It's their story and they can tell it the way they want to. I'm just tired of the fact that women tend to be props, tokens, and window dressing in the movies. (As strong as Pepper Potts is, there is not going to be a Pepper Potts

My vote, for years, has been Sackhoff.

Isn't D'Esposito the guy who said that Black Panther would be too difficult? (By the way, I'm still crying/laughing because of that.)

Shouldn't Black Widow have her own movie by now...?

Okay, look. The fact that they are fa'real about this Ant-Man thing (like, why? Out of all the grade B/C superheroes, Ant-Man? Are you shitting me? Okay, I'll stop) should tell you how they really feel. I mean, this is the company that literally said making a Black Panther movie would be too hard b/c Wakanda is too

i would watch a she-hulk law dramedy right now today, marvel, and so would you. get on it.

Danvers is also necessary for a Marvel Cinematic Universe where Rogue gets to fly and punch people!

I so want this to be good and succeed just for the simple fact that it's a Sci-Fi show with an African-American lead - FEMALE at that!

Elementary takes a little while to find its footing, to go from "pretty decent little crime show" to "oh now this is the stuff, right here." That is the major vote against it...but it doesn't come with any of the problems of the Moffat fronted Sherlock, so it is has that as a major force in its favor. A diverse

I couldn't agree more about Elementary. I'm not a hardcore Holmes fan by any stretch, but I really love this show. The characters are just so damned interesting.