
Still waiting for my Abhorsen trilogy movies.

I am so, so annoyed that those of us who were writing better Harry Potter fanfic than Cassie Clare never got to see our creations come to life on the big screen.

As it happens, the thing that everyone remembers as the coolest part of my wedding arose out of our saving money. Our church was about five blocks from the hotel where we were having the reception. Having a limo or whatever to take us five blocks seemed like a waste of money. I suggested we walk it, and enjoy the

Here are some tips to save:

Wheel of Time - Robert Jordan

I kind of appreciate that he is called the "gunman", and the only name I can remember from this is hers. This is amazing.

If you have time over the weekend or in the evenings it's worth a read. Or even just a chapter a day.

You're right, it takes the whole episode to another level. The picture that forms of her is not a good one, and it definitely turned me off to her works. Also—I tried reading some of her prequels before I read The city of bones, and I could not make it through. I think if you write a prequel series you really need to

Too slow. We gotta get that to 30. Maybe 15 one day, but let's shoot for 30. Let's do it, people!

Alright I'm going to say it right now. If they can't manage to make a Captain Marvel/ Miss Marvel movie or ANY film that STARS a woman then I will be really really disappointed.

Correction: "Potomac" #corrections

Pssst! Isn't it "Potomac? Not to be a pedantic asshole or anything.

I quite like Steven Moffat's quote from tonight: "I think it's high time the Queen was played by a man."

Can I brag, just a little? I got some good news this week, but it's not the sort you can tell your friends or coworkers. I had a physical the other day, and found out that I have officially crossed the borderline from "obese" (according to the BMI chart) to "overweight". The doctor even said my weight wasn't a

I'm bromoting this bromment, brocause I abbrociate you brofessionalism. I am not some mindless brone that they can just brogram with some broneheadded brommercial pitch!

Now playing

See, I'm a sucker for the big elaborate group numbers.

Oh if Syfy only had a brain and some courage and perhaps a heart, they might remember that they reimagined this already.

This is one of those things people don't tell you BEFORE you have a baby: You look pregnant for weeks afterward. You don't just "pop" back like a deflated balloon. I was just thinking I thought it was great she was not trying to hide the post-baby belly to help everyone be a little more realistic.

I admit, it's refreshing to see a new mother walk out of the hospital actually looking like a new mother. Nice reality check/reminder.