
Decent list. And dont get me wrong I love all those ladies. But Melissa, Kristen, Tina, and Amy are the go to answer for any comedy involving women.

I know Wallace is pro-marriage equality and she hates Sarah Palin. AND she was played by Sarah Paulson in the HBO movie Game Change.

Misandrist wedding invitation addresses:

There might be someone who'll comment here that this is all getting a little repetitive but, let's remember the reason for that:

So I guess Jenny Olsen from Man of Steel... wasn't Jimmy Olsen after all?

I brought this up in another thread, but would you be ok with Captain America being Scott Rogers, Gulf War vet and distant relation of Steve Rogers, who died in WWII?

I'm telling you all ... Hope Van Dyne is Janet Van Dyne—it's all a cover, the woman hasn't aged due to something Hank did to her (accidentally or otherwise).

First they came for the racists, And I did not speak out, because I was not a racist; And then they came for the homophobes, And I did not speak out, because I was not a homophobe; And then they came for the misogynists, And I did not speak out, because I was not a misogynist; And then . . . there was no one left to

Agreed AND - I am SO tired of people claiming their "rights are being stomped on" when a private company doesn't allow them to say everything they want to. There's exactly zero civil rights issue with Fark not allowing free speech, because it's not a fucking government agency.

I went on Fark yesterday and saw a few comments about this. Things like "Too bad I will get banned for saying what I want" and "Oh, can't comment on this because my civil rights are being stomped on". I find it extremely telling of people when the only comment they can add to a story is a misogynistic one. If that

I feel this announcement was read loudly and conspicuously in a lot of website offices when the boss had his door open. And then everyone (except for that asshole Mark in accounting who everyone is positive is a Tea Partier) glared at said boss' office, commenting loudly: "BOY THAT SURE DOES SOUND NICE. WHADDYA THINK,

I understand they have a "plan" for the next umpteen years. Whether or not that includes a woman/minority led franchise/single film is important to fans like me: a woman and a minority. Especially since the Marvel universe is so diverse. I don't expect them to disrupt the schedule. I do expect them to be a little more

Just give me She-Hulk:Attorney at Law Tuesdays at 9. YOU KNOW YOU ALL WANT IT!!

Personally, I want a spin-off of Maria Hill, May and May's mother together.

Ugh I had to alter boys Marvel shirts to fit my niece. Just make them smaller and not pink!

I truly hope that come 2015 the Avengers releases to endless bitching about how the female presences isn't enough, and that Joss has managed to secretly craft a movies centered around Carol Danvers and no-one caught on. I really do.

My fantasy Captain Marvel movie would be that they get a really big name actor to play Mar-Vell, like Brad Pitt or someone, and set him up as the star of the movie - he gets the press, etc. - and then kill him off 20 minutes into it, probably fighting a Kree Sentry, transferring his powers to Carol Danvers in the

I love this show and I don't care who knows it. These dancers are breathtakingly talented, so much more so than the average contestant on any other talent show. And they all seem to be really rooting for each other and rooting for dance. It seems so much more positive to me.

I rarely go to the movies, but I voted with my wallet to support Belle and Obvious Child recently.

It's worth noting that the biggest summer blockbusters that would normally be seen as "dude-focused, " Captain America: TWS & X-men DOFP both had bad-ass female leads in Black Widow and Mystique. Newsflash, Hollywood: women like seeing other women on screen! Women are Relevant to Our Interests! They can do