
Have you heard about the kid who died at the gun fair in CT/MA? Same situation - trying out an automatic weapon. Only in this case, kid ended up killing himself while his father was recording the whole thing. Absolutely horrifying.

So she was elected to the Senate in 2009 and oldest senators (currently 70+) from about that time period who would have been in office for a while (to give them time to become her "favorite) include: Grassley (IA), Hatch (UT), Shelby (AL), Levin (MI), Inhoff (OK), Roberts (KS), McCain (AZ), Rockefeller (WV), Cochran

I like this theory!

On the one hand, Lilly looks awesome. And while I'm pissed it looks like we're skipping over Jan completely, I'll hold out tentatively that Hope is going to be awesome. Last time this popped up I said I'd be willing to eat my words about being pissed Jan was being fridged, so this is me getting ready to take off my

It's also strange to me that people can recognize the right to neonazi's having website, but can't seem to image that other people have the right to not listen to it. If it works one way (hate speech allowed in private context), then shouldn't you realize it works the other way too (hate speech not allowed in private

Nice!! I'll have to go back and check out what they offer now. That is a pretty awesome shirt there.

JC Penny also had a pretty decent selection of Marvel shirts that you can plunder. I would love some Captain Marvel and Ms. Marvel shirts (Carol and Kamala ftw!!) that fit. Oh man, that would be awesome.

She was great on the show! Loved her comments (as opposed to some of the other guest judges who typically only talk about how they felt) as it seemed like she was pointing out technical flaws that they could improve on for the next week rather than stuff like "you looked pretty"!

Did they finally start making more options for women? I got really pissed off when they first started and were only doing the superman logo in pink (I want a Captain America shirt, but will happily accept Captain Marvel). I even wrote to them asking if they were going to give more options and they told me they didn't

True. I'll be the happiest camper there is if I'm misinterpreting the whole thing, but tragic personal accident + one female cast member 2 weeks before shooting whose character is the daughter of Hank seems to be pretty strongly implying that Janet isn't around.

Hand-waving seems the best option to maintain sanity.

Yeah, I'm confused about that but I'm just going off of Douglas' quote - maybe he mispoke? He says that in 1963 he discovers the serum, but during process tragic accident happens with wife and daughter. I suppose we could either be a) having a movie set in the past or b) the process took way longer than it sounded (I

Maybe I'm misreading Douglas' quote, but it sounds like Janet is killed in an accident that causes Hank to have to give up his powers. Which to me suggests that it's her death that furthers the storyline. I'll give you that it doesn't sound as if they're going to do too much character development prior to the accident

Why couldn't they have had Janet been his ex-wife and they don't get along? Or not named Lilly's character "Hope Pym" and specify that there was a tragic accident with her mother (who most fans would reasonable assume is Janet). That would be a closer side-step similar to Tony's alcoholism than killing Janet. I'd be

Personally I also believe in emotional abuse.

That was sort of my point? That the MCU takes different parts of the comics to create their movies, but changes things to suit their needs so they could have just had Hank been a terrible husband and had Janet been his ex-wife. Or have the producers be clear that Hope is not Janet's daughter and the dead wife Douglas

I like how the response to Hank being an abusive husband is to remove Janet rather than a) truly show Hank as an abusive asshole and give us an alive elderly female superhero or b) continue the proud MCU tradition of re-writing canon to suit the movie's needs (see also: aging Bucky, the line up of the Avengers,

It was a brief interview with him, so maybe he was misquoted? If not, the idea that they would fridge Janet before the movie even starts is just so disappointing. And then would make me even more pissed that she got cut from Avengers. I supposed Evangelline Lilly's character could always take on the Wasp mantle in

Didn't Michael Douglas say his character's wife died in a tragic accident prior to the Ant Man movie? Seems to me that would take Janet out of the running (please let me be wrong, please let me be wrong)

Question for those who have seen it - the trailers make it look like violated white lady vs interchangeable Asian dudes. How true to the movie is that vibe?