
When is it a baby? When it has a heartbeat? When it can survive outside the womb? When it still looks kind of like a fish? When it has a soul? What if you don't believe in the concept of a soul - does the religious beliefs of our legislators get to trump the mother's beliefs? If we go based on the soul idea, when does

I love SYTYCD - if only because it's truly a celebration of talent. Yes, some of the contestants are better at grabbing camera time than others (see Rudy and Bridget's respective "crushes" from last night) but at the end of the day we get to watch people put on one hell of a show. Personally I think seasons 2-4 were

I'm a huge superhero movie fan and stupid action hero movie fan, but I've only seen 2 movies this summer - Captain America: The Winter Solider (because Chris Evans, Anthony Mackie, and Scarlett Johannson can't be missed) and Belle (it was awesome, go see it!). Didn't feel like seeing Spiderman 2 after the costume pics

Quick question though - in this movie isn't one of Noah's kids adopted? And why did both Noah and his wife have to be white? I can easily see a situation where Noah's family didn't have to all be white, thus avoiding the kill all the non-white extras while the main white family survives problem you point out. It seems

But how many people tried to access ebay the first day the first version of the website opened? They definitely underestimated the stress testing requirements of the site, but then I'm guessing they were probably thinking it was only going to be people looking for insurance who were going to visit - and not many at

I kind of loved the twist the Bill Paxton was "The Clairvoyant" - if only to wonder what his underlings (Raina) are going to do to him in revenge. You can see they both really wanted him to truly have powers and no matter how many goodies they get, I don't think they'll forgive being made a fool of.

There is now some tension within the show now that Ward's been revealed to be a traitor (though I'm still worried they're going to go the "just kidding, he was brainwashed!" route since I think Hydra!Ward who doesn't really care about Hydra but just is super devoted to Bill Paxton is the more interesting option) - so

Drew Goddard? I am suddenly way more interested... Loved Cabin in the Woods.

Did you contact the customer support at Veronica Mars? They've been super responsive - I too had issues with Flixster, tried all weekend to get it to download but it wouldn't. Contact them and they said I could buy it through whatever source I wanted and they would refund me. No clue how long that will take, but they

But in either case - government funded or non-government funded, I think the bigger missing issue is the time and effort spent writing grant applications. Everyone gets pulled in to write grant applications - especially if you are in a smaller nonprofit.

You can really see they allowed the actors to bring in their existing relationship to the characters (Chris Evans and Scarlet Johannson have been in what, 3 or 4 movies together prior to the Avengers?). Black Widow's "I'm multi-tasking" line was just awesome.

But don't we need to consider the legislative and geographic differences between red state and blue state abortion access as well? I'm pretty sure West Virginia has a parental consent (or at least inform) law and New York doesn't. Similarly, waiting period laws - West Virginia has one and New York doesn't. Mandatory

I was the only one in the household who knew how to program the VCR (because I wanted to watch cartoons) so I would trade off taping my father's football games for him in exchange for him buying me more tapes. I never felt more powerful as a 10 year old.

*ugh, former heard of department took early retirement. Excuse the brain fart.

I cannot stress the importance of people skills enough. Case in point: last year my department went through a huge change because we weren't profitable enough quick enough for my company. To reduce costs, my team was re-assigned to other projects and the head of my department took overhead. They fired my supervisor.

Well, I want to caveat this by saying I am not a professional and if anyone responds to you who is - go with their advice- but in my view it was since my goals were to a) increase distance and b) increase duration. I figured that if I couldn't get past a week it meant that I needed some extra time to build up my

Couch to 5K took me 4 months to get through - and I was only sort-of out of shape. It's hard!! For me I was stuck on Week 5 for almost a month before I felt good about moving on. 2 years later I'm training for my first marathon :)

I really enjoyed the episode as well! I think we're finally getting a better sense of who the characters are so that when they do stuff, it makes sense rather than feeling random. Simmons over-preparing her back story? Makes person sense given what we know about her. Ward trying and failing with the holographic table

What's this "hundreds of thousands" business? It was fricking freezing and snowing in D.C. on the day of the rally and most estimates I've seen put the crowd at around 25K as opposed to the normal half million. I think most of the pro-life people showed they valued being warm more than the "unborn."

Exactly! Plus it's really handy when you aren't sure what you want to make - having a visual list of things you've already noted as something you want to try makes it easier to find something that "pops"