
I love Pinterest - super useful for organizing all the recipes I want to try (I move the ones I try and like to a new board called "success stories" and delete the ones that make me want to vomit) plus I like using it for decorating inspiration (it's been helpful in narrowing down what my favorite styles are since I

To be fair, the one pot pasta adaptation by SmittenKitchen with Farro is really frickin' delicious. I may spend too much time on cooking blogs/pinterest...

Definitely worth going to the dentist regularly. Didn't go the past 2 years - ended up with a cracked tooth, a cavity, and the dentist pushed putting sealant on the rest of my teeth to prevent future harm. Would have much rather have just paid for an office visit and gotten a lecture on flossing

I just finished it last night - couldn't put it down. Loved it to pieces. Not only well written, but really well constructed as well.

A while back my Dad was reading one of the Ramona books to my sister and it was the one where Ramona's father had been laid off so they were trying to tell her that Christmas was going to be a bit smaller than normal. My sister stopped my father in outrage because "Santa doesn't care if your dad has a job!" My dad

My best friend had a Samantha doll with all the accessories - the bed, the dresses, the multiple stockings - all of it (only grandkid at the time for both sides of the family). I was SO JEALOUS of her and rather peeved that my parents wouldn't shell out to buy me one. Instead they made me buy it on my own. So I saved

Don't forget about all the recipes that require a packet of ranch dressing mixed in with cream cheese or sour cream! Seriously... it's everywhere there

*psst* You can like problematic shows/actors/movies and still acknowledge there are problems. No one is saying you are a bad person if you generally enjoy Martin Freeman and his sense of humor, but you should be able to separate out your love of him and his work from his words here

Hooray for Amy Poehler and Tatiana Maslany getting some love - both richly deserved!

What about the Duomo in Florence? Not only an incredible feat of engineering (first octagonal dome built without a support frame), but quite a lot of scientific advancements in construction created at the same time (mostly in the lifts Brunelleschi invented to hoist all the large stones up)

I'll be honest, I would love nothing more than Korra to run into Zuko as he's traveling around as an ambassador and go on a life-changing field trip. I just think it would be a great nod to the previous series (plus a nice parallel to the S3 life-changing field trips of A:tLA) and give the opportunity for two

No discussion of making battle plans with co-workers? I found that the potluck lunches all the shifts created were pretty necessary to keeping my mental sanity during holiday shifts. No, it's not the best food in the world - especially since people just barely remember to bring a dish most of the time - but it is a

My main take away from this was that I really want to try making a Oreo-nutella-banana smoothie. But I agree completely! Watching GoT with less-than-invested roommate can be painful - especially since she couldn't tell Theon or Robb apart and would constantly ask which one was on the screen.

I had the great fortune of graduating college in 2008 - no job offers upon graduation, so moved back home for a year while working retail and applying for grad school. Moved out August 2009 and have been on my own since then. Living at home allowed me to get my feet under me while trying to figure out my next steps.

Can anyone explain to me why they're trying again to make a Glee spin-off? It seemed like they were going to spin the NYC crew off for their own show, then backed off the option, now it's essentially it's own show within Glee but they randomly force the characters back to OH now and again to pretend they are on the

Not an expert by any means, but I started by using the Couch to 5K method. For some reason being allowed walk breaks really made a mental difference for me and helped me push through the initial discomfort.

Thanks for the advice! Can't wait to start playing around with some intervals

Hi Jason! I've been running for about 2 years now and have just started training for my first marathon. I know they often say that when doing a marathon for the first time you should train for endurance and not speed, but I'm worried that if I train that way I could risk timing out of the course (my half marathon time

They definitely had a lower % alcohol back then, so I think "quality" was much less of a measure than "drinkable"

This actually has happened in our relatively recent (geologically speaking) past - 1000 - 1300 AD, mostly in the Southern UK but there are reports of Scottish wine during the time as well. Pretty cool stuff!