
As someone who goes to Nantucket a lot and has family living and buried within a few hundred yards of The G, no one will ever mistake Well Park, Renmore, or Mervue for Main Street in Nantucket.  This reeks of targeting.  

Two things - The G is on the site of a fertilizer factory, so the atmosphere is generally full of crap, but the bar scenes from The Guard were filmed in this hotel. As someone who spent a lot of time in the immediate area around the hotel different times over 40 years, it is a weird place to get attacked.  Sounds

Now playing

I think the words of Martin McDonough put it best for this project;

If this happened during the first Reagan administration, REM would have a had a more mumbled response.

I did enough yelling at my little league team that night that a kid quit the team.

Poor Michael, he could have stayed with the Revs and lost even more.  It is great The Patriot Way bs put on by the Krafts has one big arse asterisk hanging around its neck and doesn’t look like its going away anytime soon.  #pleaseselltherevs

Lifelong, not just post 2001 Pats fan here. I grew up the son of Irish immigrants in a tough Boston “Irish” neighborhood.  My neighborhood was a day at the upscale mall versus what I saw last year in Derry on just a normal Tuesday.  Those people have been beat down but persist.  McLean has always been as tough as

Ironic that the governor’s of Maine talk about bootstraps when the outside of seasonal tourism, Bath / Topsham / Brunswick and the rest of the Mid-coast are kept alive with contracts for ships (Bath Iron Works / General Dynamics) that compete against the ones we already have. The state is one big defense welfare

Rich Hill is from Milton. 8 miles from Fenway. Dave Roberts is a minor god in Boston. They are embedded soldiers of Red Sox nation at Chavez Ravine. I half expect DR to order a Sox pitcher to hit Machado in the ribs tonight.

One of the few joys in life other than having some money, a beautiful wife, two smart & talented kids, access to quick flights to the west Irish coast, and lots of friends, is coming to Deadspin, and watching the misery unfold on this board towards my beloved hometown and its history, schools, and sports teams. Are

Very Artful.

It’s ok, Lauren hates Boston too.  

Up The Black Irish!

Ah yes, more anti-Boston bias from Lauren.  B’s up 3-1.  

Putin on the Fists.  

UB40 is named for the an Unemployment Form.  There could be synergy here. 

Fenway has a clear no lizards allowed policy.  Not Mayor Screaming Grandpa.  

I drove back roads up to Lahinch from the ferry a few years back just so I wouldn’t see this muttonhead’s name on Doonbeg.  

Tavern In The Square? Just saying that you drank at a TITS anywhere within a 10 mile radius of Central Square means you need counseling stat. My God Man.  This is like going to Disney for the food.  Cut it out.  Seek help. 

Hammers scarier in a bad way more than any Hammer film yesterday.  Hammers were bad that MC Hammer's Accountant said "They Are Not Good.. I've Never Seen Things This Bad".