
Did anyone REALLY expect anything different from this? I mean, Xbox original titles on 360 went about like this at times, and of course they also never finished updating the library. If you expected flawless and all-encompassing emulation, you’re utterly delusional.

Yes, I’ll admit it does seem exceptionally egregious

Actually, if you click on “Games” in the Library page, you can select “Hidden” from the drop-down menu to see a complete list of hidden titles. Good if you wanna keep track of that stuff for whatever reason.

Guess you haven’t played Mario’s Picross on VC, then. I grew up on that one, and since it’s a GameBoy game, buttons are the only option. That’s the main reason I’m still fastest with buttons to this day.

Watching the video, I quickly got distracted by how the pianist’s hands weren’t even CLOSE to mimicking the sound coming from the thing. I suppose that’s arguably (and even rightly) an even lower priority than the point of this article, but it jumped out at me all the same.

Gamer logic is why I was PISSED when writing “Iron Boots” in Scribblenauts didn’t weigh me down enough to walk through a tornado. VIDEO GAMES, DAMMIT!

Hot damn are you right on that one. Trying to finish Trophy lists has greatly impacted how I play Uncharted multiplayer in particular. The existance of the system affects EVERYONE whether they personally care or not.

I’d rather get a short, awesome game like Super Metroid or even Chrono Trigger (ProJared recently reminded us how short that game is, and he’s got a fantastic point) over the ABSURDLY long crap they’re making nowadays. Not that length is inherently bad, but it needs to be fun throughout, and games that toute their

But...but I LIKE this kind of laugh. It’s just so over-the-top and derisive. Yes, I know people find it obnoxious...especially when I do it. ;)

No, it’ll probably be $2 for one system, $3 for every other DLC map so far. Why would this one cost any more?

When will they learn what? Capcom has long been criticized for ignoring the fans. Now they make a change as a direct response to them and you complain. Now, I grant you that there’s a certain degree of disagreement amongst said fans, and it should come as no surprise that they’d prioritize the Japanese ones. But

This isn’t a good argument against preordering games in general...just against supporting this kind of BS. I preordered Super Mario Maker on Amazon. Y’know why? Because they gave me $10 off the game for doing so. THAT is a good reason...that, and I trust Nintendo to ship a complete game more than pretty much anyone

I dunno if I care about this soundtrack in particular, but I’m DEFINITELY interested in the project at large. There’s a lot of classic music I’d LOVE to have physical copies of if I got the chance.

I’m not at all afraid to admit that I use emulators for older games that are no longer available for purchase. If they hit Virtual Console, I’ll buy them...but you can’t guilt trip me for “stealing” something I can’t get new anymore. I’m absolutely against pirating anything you CAN buy from the maker, though.

“Don’t. Preorder. Video. Games.”

Right...because if I do, I might get either a crazy-limited physical statue or finantial gain if it doesn’t work out. I wouldn’t want that, now would I? Seriously, I’m amazed that you can end with that after showing people being given $20 just becuase this product fell through. Now they

Yeah, a $30 collection of 30 games is SOOOOOOOOOO much more expensive than they’d be on Steam.

Before the game released, they weren’t thinking about it too hard ‘cause they were busy making sure they put out a complete product unlike most other publishers nowadays. But DLC was always inevitable, and they NEVER ruled it out entirely.

How is it reasonable to expect a game thus far only released in Japan to have sold “several million copies” on a platform that has only sold around 10 million systems GLOBALLY? Really, the fact that Mario Kart 8 has sold to over HALF of the Wii U install base is AMAZING, and I sure as shit wouldn’t expect the same

That’s the beauty of global’s always high time for butthurt SOMEWHERE in the world.

I watched this on their website, and I had a feeling there’d be something funny in there but I didn’t bother to pause and read anyway. Thanks for pointing out what I foolishly ignored!

When I saw that the new guide collection was coming, I assumed it was an American release of the old European Piggyback guides for these games...guides which by all accounts are FAR superior to all THREE of the BradyGames guides. BradyGames sucked in general until 6th gen, although FFIX was indeed the WORST example.
