
That’s the MISadventures of Tron Bonne.

As for the main point...yeah, it sucks your cool game is gone (not a horror fan, but I sympathize). But look at it this way: a lot of people DID get to play it. Compare that to Mega Man Legends 3 Prototype Edition which was finished and played by at least one member of the press

Since when are all stories on Kotaku important?

Thus far, it seems that fans and Nintendo are actually on the same page in that regard. These ARE cool figurines that offer optional bonuses in games, not MANDATORY stuff. That said, Nintendo may yet increase their functionality now that they know they have a huge fanbase snapping them all up anyway. Since I’m already

I THINK this is how I was shown to use chopsticks...but then I only tried once and had to mirror the instructions because I'm a lefty, so I could easily be misremembering.

PS2? I don't see any analog sticks on those, buddy.

Take the Cinnabon Delights, mix in something that makes them pink, and roll them in crushed hopes and dreams Cap'n Crunch Crunch Berries cereal—not Oops, All Berries!, the perennial proof of the ineptitude of Quaker Oats' factory workers—and you've got what looks like slightly bruised testicles coated in children's

Last week, Night Dive founder Stephen Kick and director of business development Larry Kuperman emailed me to let me know that while they had indeed planned to re-release No One Lives Forever and its sequel, they'd hit a wall and been forced to give up. Thanks to the ongoing inability and/or unwillingness of three

Occasionally, as she went through these suggestions, Sarkeesian would mention counter-arguments. For example, she said that impractically-sexualized costumes communicate that a female character's "value and worth is tied to ability to arouse straight young men." But she added that some of her critics say that male

She said she'd "bought into the bogus myth that, in order to be a real gamer, you had to be playing GTA or Call of Duty or God of War or other testosterone-infused macho posturing games which often had a sexist, toxic culture that surrounded them. So even though I was playing a lot of games—these kinds of games—I

No way, man! I've been taking my 3Ds with me everywhere since launch in 2011 because I like StreetPass so much. If only everybody else did, I'd get much more for the effort. I'd HATE to lose all my data, that's for dang sure. Think about it,'s FOUR YEARS of progress on a game that relies on communication you

You Have to Win the Game: "#yolo #swag #nbd: Won the game while wearing sunglasses." Earn percentage 0.95% It's rare because it's almost impossible to accomplish legit (it's literally a mode to beat the whole game in one life), and I have it because the developer built in a way to cheat and get it.

Rogue Legacy: "Katage

It's a silly, short game that rips off one Cawthon's earlier games, called There Is No Pause Button!. I haven't been able to get past level 3. And even though I can't remember cursing at a game so much in a long time, I think it's pretty good! I can see Cawthon releasing the game on mobile and it making a killing

As other retailers started taking pre-orders, the bungles just got worse. On January 14—announcement day—Best Buy took a whole bunch of orders for about an hour. A few days later, they realized that they had oversold—or maybe Nintendo just didn't give them a big enough supply—so they cancelled for anyone who had

Yeah...that's what I figured. This issue seems to be confusing several people ATM. Can't necessarily just say "Wave #" anymore...gotta add "Smash" or "Mario."

Not the first statement to that effect I've seen...yet many others have said they AREN'T up yet. Weird. I'll probably check in with my store tomorrow just in case, though.

Cheat codes are another part of Double Trouble that weren't used by the series much before or after the title arrived. There are various codes that can be entered that range from making the game insanely difficult to changing all the bonus areas into Christmas-themed wonderlands, with both new music and icons. It

There is no sign saying, "Your directional controls are reversed for this underwater level," or "This level is in slow motion." You just have to figure that out all on your own and adjust accordingly. It can lead to some quick deaths and frustrating learning curves, but boy does it bring a feeling of excitement rarely

Widely, yes. But this is an opinion piece, and one I happen to agree with. DKC3 FTW!

"We were thinking, what is it that Nintendo specifically has done to get so many people here excited to stand in line for Amiibo?" Caitlin ponders. "The answer is nothing. They're literally like, here's a thing. Are you gonna buy it?"