
Hard to use a joystick? I've never thought of one as being particular daunting, but perhaps that's just me... Or maybe it's the combination of a joystick and buttons? But still...

Console: Nintendo Entertainment System


Of course if you do THAT, you only further break down the argument that the figurines themselves are necessary for gameplay in the first place. Personally, I'm okay getting separate series amiibo for different games, but I don't want multiples of the same exact model. For example, I have the Mario Party 10 with Mario

Yeah, that is some BUUUUUUUULLLLLLLLFEEEECCCCCEEEESSSSS. I placed my order around the same time you did...and it's still upstanding...for now. I'm kinda starting to feel guilty for making it, and I'm not even a scalper! Meanwhile, a friend of mine (whose order was also early but cancelled) is on the WARPATH, working

And yet they STARTED by pulling back on the scalpers...then found it necessary to continue on with legit customers.

No, I'd say the real problem was leaving preorders open for over an hour without being damn sure they would actually have that many. The fact that there appears to be no rhyme nor reason for WHOSE orders

That really should say "Spliiiiish." But it's still hilarious anyway.

I'm just say that in the unfortunate case that your efforts to obtain one of those coveted machines fall flat, there'll be a couple of perfectly capable solid colors waiting, ready to do everything the Majora's Mask New 3DS XL can do — with a lot less hassle.

I was horrified, at first. This was my baby, my pride and joy. Then I opened it up and turned it on and suddenly those scratches didn't matter so much. As long as what was going on inside — the bits that brought me games like Fire Emblem and Pokemon Alpha Sapphire and Project X Zone and Style Savvy: Trendsetters (shut

The other not so in-your-face new addition? A tab for "funny" reviews of every game, with a corresponding option to say a review made you giggle like an idiot (or a very learned hyena) instead of expressing positivity or negativity. Here it is on DOTA 2's store page:

Nope! It's made of shoe.

Make that a randoseru, made from 33 pounds of chocolate.

Now playing

UPDATE 3 (6:39pm): Best Buy has it up now. GO GO GO. We'll keep updating this post as things change.

One bright spot: Nintendo's online services appear to be working just fine. (And, no, that doesn't mean we're blaming Wario.)

I think the availability of a Sony picture through Microsoft's console but NOT Sony's console is a suitably WTF occurrence to warrant the article as it is written, headline and all. It served simply to inform me of the absurd situation. It did not mislead in any way.

Of course not. Shortly after the stage builder was confirmed, Reddit user RocketCow said what everybody was thinking with the exclamation "PENIS STAGES INCOMING!" Despite the developers best efforts to limit the extent of...anatomically correct custom stages in Super Smash Bros. Wii U, players haven't been shy about

That is an option...but I think you can choose not to use it for your own convenience. So this is really just a case of lazy-ass parents screwing themselves over, as usual.

They would get slightly the gamers in this very group clearly did. SOME of these teens aren't gamers, not ALL of them.

MagiCow — again, the contest says "Worst".

Indeed it was...and still is, actually. And here I thought Kindle had COMPLETELY wiped the floor with them by now. A quick Google search proved that theory incorrect...weird.