
Sadly, I never got my Demon's Souls Plat because my old PS3 went belly-up before cloud save back-ups were a thing (and it was a damn copy-protect title, preventing the usual flash drive method). Two really hard ones I have that spring to mind are Sonic Unleashed and Eat Lead: The Return of Matt Hazard. I have over 60

I do indeed have my Plat...and you might be right about the difficulty in as much as both are somewhat overblown. The games are fairly designed and careful play will see you through relatively easily. I have a few other Plats I'd definitely say were harder to earn.

Just make another 3D Dot Game Heroes! That's all I've been waiting for...

I recently upgraded...we never did get the LED's working, and I don't even care anymore. At least the machine works, and I can see if it's on from a light on my keyboard anyway. :P

Well, I have Nature on the PS3 version of Flower, but I never bothered to go back and grind it on PS4. It's the ONLY Trophy in the game I DON'T have on PS4...and I suspect it's so rare simply because it's a slog and a lot of us have done it before.

I mean, sure, RPG Maker games aren't always... polished, but there are some good ones out there, like Exit Fate and Barkley's Shut Up And Jam: Gaiden. They're always free, and if you do enough digging, you can find some really cool indie RPGs out there.

This definitely annoyed me...wound up using my Vita for PSN party chat at first. Thing is...we eventually discovered that although MK8's online APPEARS smooth, it applies some devious trickery to maintain that illusion. Basically, a friend of mine was, seemingly by no fault of his own, driving MUCH faster than should

Never knew that...personally, I prefer our version. I like Anime style fine in general, but here I think the American sprite fits better. Of course, that could just be a lifetime of nostalgia talking. :P

Our commitment to virtual console is exceptionally strong. We just launched some of the Game Boy Advance games. Those are doing exceptionally well in our market. We've announced the intention to have a DS library of games in the Wii U eShop. We're looking forward to that, so the pipeline is there. I do think what many

June 20 - Lufia 2

Took me reading YOUR comment to get it. DOH! :P

Regarding why we have not reduced the number of the personnel, it is true that our business has its ups and downs every few years, and of course, our ideal situation is to make a profit even in the low periods, return these profits to investors and maintain a high share price. I believe we should continue working

This cycle of over-hiring staff just to fire them later isn't just toxic for them and their families. Imagine you're a game developer, and you're crunching—working 14 to 16-hour days—for a video game studio that you know could axe you as soon as the game is done. How much incentive do you really have to give it all

As someone who was addicted for the first gen (Spyro's Adventure) and left the series in disgust when they started re-releasing characters with Giants, I can confirm that yes, it is very nice no longer being addicted to these.

I could be wrong. Perhaps fruit punch and vanilla Oreos is your favorite way to wind down after a long day. Turn yourself in to the authorities now and they'll go easier on you.

Interestingly, I feel quite the modern fancy games have been done to death and the retro style is much more appealing. The great thing about retro style is that it often makes use of gameplay elements and processing that weren't actually available on the retro systems, resulting in a blend of eras. And

You are most certainly correct. I make use of such skills on a regular basis at work, while certain of my comrades with a less robust puzzling background fail quite spectacularly. It's hardly just Tetris fact, that game would be of somewhat limited use if you need to sort things in the third dimension, at

I don't remember hearing about this game years ago to begin with, honestly. I never built any expectations, that short trailer tells me jack, and I don't much care one way or another. That said, a 2D RPG/puzzler could be good if handled well, so I may follow news on this new version without worry of it being

Only LP's I really watch are Game Grumps (who don't even like to call themselves LP's) and Deceased Crab. The latter is much lesser known, and usually specializes in lesser-known titles and/or wacky stuff. His commentary is generally about the game (when his cats don't distract him), and funny without sounding overly

Sometimes you can...unfortunately some online systems are more robust with these features than others. Believe me, I'd LOVE to block certain assholes on PSN, but as far as I know the "blocked players" list doesn't do much other than prevent them sending me messages. And of course if nobody but trolls are online when