
Depends on your context. The worst trolls IMO are the ones who ruin your gameplay in a game where you're locked in with them often for double-digit minutes under penalty for being the one who chooses to quit the match. Even worse is when the matchmaking is screwed and you can't manage to get in a match WITHOUT that

I wonder. Are we currently sitting at a similar cross roads. Are we all getting a little bit tired of shooting things in the face?

Umm...there's also, you know...telling multiple controllers apart in local multiplayer. The PS3 had the little LED's for that, and you know what? Those reflected in the TV just as badly as the PS4 lightbar; people didn't talk about it because they were smaller, but it was still a thing. Having played local MP on PS4,

You think THAT'S tinny? Maybe I just played too much Wii, because this sounds PHENOMENAL in comparison. :P

Indubitably. That was the first thing I had a buddy of mine do when he got his PS3 last year, and he loved them. I've spent more time on Uncharted 3 multiplayer than every other online multiplayer game I've ever played combined, I think...and that includes all the time I poured into 2 before 3 released. Superb stuff

I handed him a bundle of discs. There were Uncharted games ("hurry up and get to the second one"). The Last of Us. Red Dead Redemption. Burnout Paradise. The first Modern Warfare ("don't get any others"). I think one of the good Assassin's Creeds, too (maybe Brotherhood).

Did anybody else notice this is his SECOND Kickstarter project? The first one apparently failed to get this level of media attention, and it did indeed fail to meet its goal. Of course, it doesn't help it was for the puzzle game "Bob's Game" FROM the RPG "Bob's Game" and not the RPG itself...anyway, direct link for

"Nobody is #1." That's not ENTIRELY's just that in this case it's the WORST player in the world who gets saddled with that number. Thing is, that person is extremely unlikely to give a crap. :P

That decision was made largely by an American, though...Howard Phillips the Game Master. He just didn't think the "real" SMB2 was fun, meanwhile Doki Doki Panic looked good but the theming wasn't right for Western audiences. It was a good way around the problem, and DDP was improved in the translation anyway.

He already did this once before, and handled it horribly. He ADMITTED how bad it was on Game Grumps...yet he came back for more? Arin Hanson: masochist.

Killstreaks are horribly unbalanced. Uncharted 3's Medal system is MUCH closer to fair, even given small rewards for some types of failures. And the best part is some of the rewards are actually related to the game at hand, not just fact, some of the kill-related ones don't work on objective matches, as it

But this game DID have imperfections...some of them were fixed in the 3DS version (looking at you, Iron Boots). Even there though, the L (or originally Z) targeting system without actual camera control is hardly IDEAL by modern standards. I'll defend it because I'm used to it and because it was revolutionary in its

Nope...OP has it right.

No kidding. I'd LOVE to be making that much in a year let alone a day.

Ouya, definitely. I own both...but my Wii U actually gets played while the Ouya is so useless I unplugged it to make room for my PS4. :P

Of course it's fake...but it was still an extremely jarring bait-and-switch that left me not at ALL entertained. If I had any idea what I was in for, I wouldn't have watched the damn thing in the first place.

Now, there's a chance that "Set Yourself Free" could be a fake advert, given that filmmakers Henry Inglis and Aaron McCann are a pair of comedians. The Learn for Life website mentioned on the YouTube page doesn't have anything at all by way of education-focused propaganda, either. Think of it this way, then: if this

Super Mario Bros. was apparently one of the games on the I suspect the label was written by a somewhat clueless individual.

They could do that by using the vastly superior PSP art style, though...I'd GLADLY pay that much for the game in that style. This, though...this is an insult.

If they followed the model from the FFI, II, and IV on PSP, I'd agree with you. This, though...this is just plain UGLY. I've been wanting V and VI redone in the aforementioned style for quite a while now, and with them busy pushing out these turds, I don't think they're ever going to bother...that makes me very sad.