Well, there's no accounting for taste. Everyone I know who played it liked it. I just wish the multiplayer was less buggy.
Well, there's no accounting for taste. Everyone I know who played it liked it. I just wish the multiplayer was less buggy.
I went into this video expecting more talk about download speeds (much like a lot of the comments have been), only to be told of an issue I didn't know existed. As far as I know, my internet doesn't have a data cap...I'm sure if it did, my dad would've made a point to tell me by now, the way I use it.
True...but the way Amazon's wish list works, if somebody buys it for you (or you grab it for yourself) it'll get removed, so you still don't have to worry about dupes, and people are buying from the pool of things you actually WANT. The downside remains having a harder time being surprised by your gifts than with some…
Orrrr...you could just have people shop off of your Amazon wish list. That's what my family does, and it works great!
You can check the status of Nintendo's online services here.
There's a difference between "affordable" and "free" you know. The latter will bring many, MANY more people along than the former. I wouldn't buy this game at any price (just don't care), but I took the free download simply because I could. It's REALLY not fair to suggest the game is normally overpriced just because…
It depends on the game...it's definitely up to the developers to use it well. Although it doesn't matter to me because my gaming setup is in my bedroom, off-screen play is an obvious plus for some people.
You do realize they CAN'T sell the Wii U that cheap because it costs more than that to make, right? I know loss-leading is pretty normal nowadays, but there are limits. As it stands, Wii U already HAD a price-drop and comes bundled with games...which is more than you can say for the more expensive competition.
As a…
I'm not the least bit surprised Nintendo's wound up going in this direction...after all, plenty of people tried to WARN you that the third-party support couldn't hope to last. Between Nintendo's track record and the tech gap compared to PS4/Xbone, it was completely unrealistic to expect long-term success. I'm sorry…
If I couldn't swim, I'd be DAMN careful walking around on a pier. This woman was just plain recklessly stupid.
I agree completely. Most times when the "half-empty or half-full" question comes up, I ask if it was being filled or emptied. Most people just never think of it that way.
Correction: That link for the list of 46 level 100's is for PS3Trophies.com, not .org. They are, in fact, two separate websites entirely.
I find your translation more confusing than the original statement. His point is just that this is a console game, right? I'm a console gamer...so that's fine by me.
All those games were playable on PS3 as well. I guess I'm not 100% sure about PSP support, because even though I COULD have tried it out, I never felt the need to. For some reason I thought there was a limitation on it in relation to the PSP's piracy problems or something. *shrug*
Actually, I'm pretty sure that even though they are PSP games, the Plus access only registers on a Vita. This doesn't bother me as a day 1 Vita owner who prefers playing PSP games on the Vita anyway, but it's an important distinction for those who don't have one and think they can play these games.
Yeah, it's only iconic enough to have a whole media series (two movies plus cartoons) named after it, that's all. http://pressstart.neonharbor.com/
Kevin Butler was awesome, but "It Only Does Everything" was bullshit, seeing as Backward Compatibility for PS2 had already been trashed by that point. I was COMPLETELY unable to take that tagline seriously as a result of that fact, and I know I wasn't the only one. You're right, it wasn't panned to the degree some…
I see your point perfectly, but I've already discussed the issues of what features are and are not in PS4 at launch in some length with a dev friend of mine, and I'm completely confident saying Yoshida is telling the truth. Seems programming all these features is a bit more complex than people give it credit for, and…
At least his legacy lives on in promotional and even packing materials for the existing work. A lot of his art is still being used for those movies, when it wouldn't be that hard or expensive to "modernize" it. And it's not even like the guy's completely out of work now...he's still a master of a special niche market.
If you didn't get to the REAL end, you couldn't have possibly seen where it was all going. I'd recommend playing the game on Vita...no save bugs there!