

Most popular music is in 4/4 time, which means, four beats per measure, each beat being a quarter note.

Most popular music also has some kind of drum accompaniment involved, which involves at the very minimum some kind of bass drum (a deeper, lower sound) and some kind of snare drum (a

Urena Misses Target, Hits Shower

Catholics party harder than all the other religions combined. Ever hear of Mardi Gras?

A Catholic party is just like a regular party except everyone feels guilty the whole time

It’s almost like there are better funded mid-major teams than others!

Gonzaga elevated themselves out of mid-majordom sometime around their fifth-straight NCAA tournament bid in 2003. Their basketball program alone spends twice as much as Loyola’s entire athletics department.

Loyola has just become the most successful team in NCAA tournament history. Their all-time winning percentage is now .765; Duke is at .752.

Ain’t no party like a Catholic party ‘cause a Catholic party don’t start

They’re the first mid-major team to make the Final Four since Wichita State in 2013.

This story is so wild you could knock me over like I was a geriatric paraplegic security guard.

Oh and this man never wore shorts unless he was mowing the lawn. Then, he would don his one pair of shorts, pull them up to his ribcage, and push his mower around in the hottest part of the day wearing black dress socks up to his knees with loafers. When finished, he would sit and drink a water glass of scotch and

The contract is going to be an excuse to give misogynist assholes a platform to complain on the Internet?

“$127,896,600 million in 5 seasons.”

I watched a non-major golf tournament this weekend with an interest I haven’t had in years, because Tiger was in the mix. Golf’s young-guys-who-might-do-a-thing are absolutely entertaining, but Tiger is transcendent, and the best golfer of all time. (Yes, he is. With hats tipped to the other fantastic golfers he’s

“.....he was diagnosed with a broken femur, a broken pelvis, internal bleeding, bleeding on the brain, nine fractured ribs, and a broken neck.”

You should try eating at McPussys

Now playing

That was a nice slug fest, but since it’s only a few weeks away from the 27th anniversery, always good to bring out the great St. Patrick Day’s Massacre, between the Blues and Blackhawks

“Looks like a metaphor for our son’s attempt to finish college in four years.”

The one time I figured I’d try it I learned that pizza companies actually think pizzas are worth $18. The 50% off only counts for the full menu price which made it a negligible deal compared to the deals and promotions that are always running.