The Cards kicking the Cubs out of the playoffs will be especially sweet.
The Cards kicking the Cubs out of the playoffs will be especially sweet.
Comic. Fucking. Sans
There was only one time I ever would’ve straight refused to get a customer what they ordered, and that time was the legendary day when one restaurant I was working at had “French Onion Cheddar” as the soup of the day. It was literally onion soup with nacho cheese in it. At the morning lineup, I was the only server…
“What sense any of this makes is beyond us, but listen for yourself:”
Are you Dominican, by any chance?..
I was annoyed long before it started and decided to completely sit this out. So I appreciate the updates!
It would be a hell of a catch if you guys can secure it.
Pretty dumb joke as Deadspin is owned by Gawker Media. Hinkie can't actually trade the Deadspin writers.
A friend of my cousin's made $54,000 for one week of work. Want to see how? Follow the link.
2014: The Year Of Captain Toad.
I'm guessing it's that horrible feeling when seaweed brushes against your feet and for a moment you think it's a swarm of piranhas. Off the coast of Devon. Don't judge me.
That's not the full email—the rest is boring stuff about family news—but I did not make it up. My dad has very hot sports takes.
It even has a dumb-as-hell name. Redberry would have been fine.
Hunter Pence gathers
i think you mean "patty larceny"
Good article. A lot of people don't understand that Odd Future is mocking the conformity and empty cliches of rap with this shit. I understand the comments you are going to get on this, people seem to enjoy looking down on things they don't understand, it makes them feel superior in a sad and not very lasting way. …
I apologize for hurting you. I did not mean too. It's just that I love Miracle Whip so very much. And Spam. Also, Vienna sausages. I'm sorry. I realize how horrible this all sounds.
So an AC problem leads to an A/C problem? Thanks for keeping us current on this, Barry.
"Instead, it'll be in the winter, when temperatures rarely get out of the 70s."
I don't know why I even clicked on this. I knew it would just make me angry; it's not like I need a reminder that intolerant idiots exist. I'm glad this post exists, though, because these people should be shamed publicly.