
Bob Uecker: And no question, Leela, the first woman ever to reach the Majors, will go down as the single worst player in the history of blernsball! And yet tonight we have witnessed the beginning of a great career for the first woman to play the sport well — Jackie Anderson!

I see what you did there.


Definitely not baseball, where players routinely get applauded in their old cities.

Fantasy football hasn’t helped - people get unhealthy connections to players that are in no way responsible for these people’s feelings.

I’ve seen a few players with their regular colored belts on.

Right. All I know about the Eternals is that they at one point inspired gods so I’m guessing Zuris = Zeus? But for all I know without actually checking those could be completely fake names.

Oh yeah, like the main character of their biggest single running franchise!

When I saw The Mandalorian’s trailer and that it’s on D+ I thought to myself “wasn’t all the adult stuff supposed to be on Hulu?”

BattleHawk sounds like a ripoff GI Joe or something. “With dome-abandoning action feature!”

The Monstars?

But only stormtroopers are so precise! Though that only seems to apply to redshirts and Jawas.

SERIOUSLY what is a discipline clerk? Like do they sit you down in front of them and say what happened and they just dole out punishment? Is this a job? Do they have OTHER responsibilities?

the FUCK is a “school discipline clerk”?

I’m always amazed when I’m reminded how thin white hair is. Everyone that’s touched mine loves how thick it is and I’m used to it so it surprises me to learn that I’m an outlier.

Croutons are an awesome snack.

Right, but I’ve been to a few places that take your food back and box it for you nicely. I’ve even had places that added some bread and butter, or if there’s a sauce with the meal include it separately. But I don’t think there was ever anyone stopping you from pulling out a container and doing it yourself at a casual

A “trailer park” is not the same thing at all though. A trailer as a mobile home is not the same as a “trailer park trailer” which are basically prefabricated homes meant to be parked permanently.

This is more tasteful than 95% of RVs.

I wish we had Hy-Vee. I miss that from when I lived in CoMO. Dierbergs and Schnucks are both too damn expensive but I’m sort of stuck going there for anything Aldi doesn’t have.

A couple of years ago they pledged to not change prices for an entire year as all the fast food places lost their large dollar menus and 4 dollar meals.

They take/took multiple coupons as well, and we were always loaded with coupons. Lots of free side or 5 dollar meal coupons.