
And how badass it was when he also told her underlings to do their job or also go to jail.

Saw this yesterday and thoroughly enjoyed it. I keep asking people how this stunt is any different from that whole “Sharia Law” term that gets thrown about in horror by Christians. Isn’t that fear, in essence, a group of people holding the laws of their faith above the laws of the land?

I know that we don’t want her to become a “martyr” for this cause by going to jail, I also really don’t think those convictions will hold her over for very long. Jail sucks.

Make sure you’re looking for 616 tho...

My mother has broken the software of every electronic device and service she has ever owned. Phone, computer, iPad, Samsung, coffee maker, ordering from Lands End, Amazon (seriously how do you end up with 3 duplicate accounts with the same pw and email?), and the public library. If the robots try to take over, I’m

Thanks to Dan Savage for this wonderful discovery yesterday:

Harper is though. Six of one...

You are part of an ancient thing that doesn’t know what it is, and can’t.

Do you not know what a false equivalence is? Or are you just not honest enough to even care?

He made life choices to get him to that point in life where he’d get sauce dumped on his car. The subway worker didn’t make those kinds of life choices and so it’s not her fault that he did. Also, his life choices enable him to afford a cleaning for his fancy car.

“There is no way that a woman instantly goes to cursing out a 15 year old”

You clearly have no idea how shifts work at cheapass restaurants. Here is how my job works:

The guy is okay, but the woman is awful from the second she sits down. Nothing is good enough for her, she’s not ready to order when she says she’s ready, she won’t make eye contact—the sort of completely entitled person who thinks servers are lower than dog shit. It takes her a lifetime to make up her mind on

You are on a spectacular streak of being wrong about everything this week. It’s actually kind of impressive.

I would do anything for meatloaf, but I won’t do that.

I once had a b-list celebrity start whining to me at one point because I wouldn't give him the moon and he pulled the “don’t you know who I am” card. It was so satisfying to look him dead in the eyes and reply, “No, I don’t, and I don’t care.” His face was priceless.