
That’s about as much of the national anthem as the average Canadian. Come on up! We need more good people up here... You know, to balance out the racist as fuck Cons.

Took me waaaaay too long to realise this was a satirical post. I need more wine, clearly.


You get bonus points for knowing the *actual* number of the beast!

Wait, what? Zimmerman threatened Obama. Why did I not hear of this?!

Well... She’s not wrong.

Who the fuck finds merriment obnoxious? Seriously, if other people sitting at their table having a good time bothers you, you’re the problem. I doubt very much these ladies were spilling sloppily over other tables and laughing inches from other people’s noses.

To be fair, it’s not hard to have more “grace, intelligence, and class (you know, not to mention peace, and concern for his fellow humans)” than Trump...

This needs more stars.


Only if you’ll leave me Bard the Bowman.

There is an amazing Welsh whisky (not whiskey, apparently) called Penderyn. It is the best thing I have ever put into my mouth, but really hard to find outside of the UK. I am seriously considering a trip to Wales JUST to get my hands on a bottle. Seriously. It’s amazing stuff.

This is amazing!

I was all for this until I saw the sweat gland killing stuff. Don’t mind the sweat, I’m just sick of shaving. Oh well, back to the razors I go.

Jump bear, the new drop bear.

All the stars for the Men in Tights gif. ALL THE STARS!

Frakkin’ Kinja is ruining everything. I apologise if this goes twice, I just wanted to let you know that good things are around the corner. They really are. Hang in there.

To be fair, I think Harper put Harper into office each time. Not saying it’s fraud but... #TotallyFraud #IronicUseOfHastags #PleaseDontHateMe

I second this motion!