
“For Hillary Clinton to equate her political opponents to terrorists is a new low for her flailing campaign,” said Allison Moore, press secretary for the Republican National Committee. “She should apologize immediately for her inflammatory rhetoric.”

“She should apologize immediately for her inflammatory rhetoric.”

Dear Americans: get out and VOTE.

I think Anthem has been playing dumb about women’s health for a long time, and has committed to that even moreso since the ACA. I had my Fallopian tubes removed in 2013 and they continuously refused to pay the whole bill, insisting that I had to pay a co-pay like always. I finally had to file an appeal; the customer

why don’t you read the whole story, where it clearly says the server warned them of the hour wait, before commenting next time, bud?

Dude, these fuckers. I was on my game all day today and got the shittiest of tips. On top of that I had to learn from some yuppie mom what a baby-ccino is (steamed milk in espresso cups) as her two precious little ones dumped salt and pepper over everything and destroyed two menus.

if his wife is uncommunicative, it doesn’t make what he’s doing (lying, cheating, potentially risking her health, etc) any less shitty.

All you people being like “you shouldn’t judge!” when we call this bullshit, unacceptable behavior... I want you to practice saying that about MRAs. Wall Street sociopaths. Misogynists. Racists.

Do these people think that’s a teaching moment? Like “oh, I’ll show you, server person, with this super unnecessary comment on the check”? Because all it teaches me, folks, is that the world would be better off if you were eaten by dragons.

Dude just tell your wife and set the poor woman free

Last time I was in a relationship where my libido slowly died I realised after we’d broken up that my libido hadn’t died after all, I just didn’t want to have sex with him anymore because I wasn’t attracted to a selfish asshole with serious emotional issues... jussayin.

I don’t expect anyone to give me sympathy for trying to improve my sex life (something that matters to me quite a bit) in a way they don’t approve. But it’s also none of their business, and nobody has the right to judge all the people exposed by this leak. They have no idea what those people’s situations are. They


I would love to know the answer to that question. In the meantime...SQUEE!!

Guy says: “There would be profiles where they would say they wanted to be “pampered” or treated like a “princess,” basically wanting to be wooed and pursued.”

Dude, just PAY for it. You’re dead inside anyway. That way you won’t have to deal with the annoying women who want to have an emotional connection or some kind of flirty conversation over drinks rigamarole. I mean, you already have SO MUCH on your plate, right?

there’s nothing wrong with non-monogamy. there is something wrong with cheating. they aren’t one and the same.

No, it’s not. If you can’t be honest, then GTFO and let your partner be free to be with someone who respects them enough to be honest with them.

Next week will be Revenge, so while not light, it’ll definitely be cathartic.