Oh that’s the worst. Makes me question my self-awareness and perception of reality.
Oh that’s the worst. Makes me question my self-awareness and perception of reality.
Are you me? All of my close friends have mentioned to me they thought I was snobby or stand-offish at first. I’m just quiet! I’ve wondered the same thing. I still haven’t figured out how to turn it on. I’ve gotten better at being chatty (like with the check out person at the grocery store, etc.), but it still feels…
New Study Shows: No One Likes a Person Who’s Too Hard to Read
a Dark Souls 1 article on Kotaku + rumors of Dark Souls 3 being announced at E3 with Miyazaki back heading up development + me wearing a Dark Souls tshirt today = Dark Souls 3 with Miyazaki heading up development will definitely be announced at E3
Please be a new game engine. please be a new game engine. please be a new game engine!
My body is ready....
Go play Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning. It was kind of amazing in parts, and basically dragged down by 38 Studios failure more than anything. But man I’d love a sequel, as it was the only open world RPG with good combat I’ve ever played.
Remember that one time Microsoft packaged a web browser with one of their operating systems and we got them charged with some anti-trust law?
Knowing another language is a valuable skill—one that could boost your salary and your brain. While there are many…
I’m just going to assume you’ve never seen Real Genuis, because any other possibility just ain’t right.
Leslie Jones is wearing the Dark Souls warrior set.
Passion to make something, I think. Minecraft is the type of game where you need to set your own goals, but that doesn't suit everybody as some would prefer the game to give them objectives to complete.
Don't tell anyone, but I'm actually this guy here...
Well, strictly speaking, I do, but I studied linguistics. Gabe... did not.
I hope that poor boy was okay after his parents insisted on him eating that food even though it had gluten in it.
I simply cannot fathom the amount of talent and raw dedication that goes into costumes like this.
I work with language primarily because I have -no- skill whatsoever in the visual arts (seriously, even my stick figures look to me and question why a creator would be so cruel to design them as I did), and I wanted to…
"Of my friend, I can only say this: of all the souls I have encountered in my travels, his was the most... human."