
Shorter version, if you just want the list of the list of what she says are "Eight things developers can do to make games less shitty for women", paraphrased from my notes... not that a lot of this pertain to action games and probably make more sense if you're thinking about first and third-person shooters, the Arkham

Hell no wonder he keeps getting out. He doesn't escape he just gets paroled.

Well, this is my goal now

I got a challenge for you. Try and find a copy of "Dead Space 3" that isn't the "Limited Edition".

There are many MANY reports of Best Buy trying to fuck people out of their Majoras Mask N3DS preorders on launch day. Between that and the original cancellations I will never purchase from them in the future.

This is good. When parents who put their children in conversion therapy are charged with child abuse will be even better.

And the shocking truth: A planet like this might exist, but it would be far from Earth, in another solar system or galaxy.

You're making me suffer right now

What's more shocking to me is how few people make the connection between lack of unionization and monumentally bad working conditions. If I had a nickel for every friend I've had who can go on about how evil the big bad unions are and still express shock and outrage over the kind of behavior described in these sort of

I first misread it as the update itself getting cancelled.

I love how this is now how the internet works. 15 years ago scientists wondered how people would adapt to such technology, little did they know it would be placing Kevin Spacey's face on Link's body.

Hi fives everyone, humanity has made another major step forward.

I've got your BAFTA award ready to go.

if that's the case allow me to regale you of the emergent narrative that took place between me and a guy named "xxQwikScopez420xx" in Call of Duty Advanced Warfare multiplayer.

If you're wondering what car that actually is, it's a DeTomaso Pantera. Which is a much cooler motor vehicle than the DeLorean ever was.

Damn, for a second I thought it was Liam Neeson, and now I'm ridiculously disappointed.

OKAY THEN. If and when I get cancer, I will be sure to choose wisely and get the cheaper kind.

I might be a little sore about this whole PENDING APPROVAL thing.