
There are a lot of identifiable current and former senior leadership in that top pic. No one in fall of 2013 holding a picture of Bill Cosby could possibly be confused about the message they were sending.

I think we’re going to see a lot of these assholes moving on to explore new opportunities, like sitting at home

More needless negativity from Kotaku. I’m sensing a trend lately. Just because a game is different or not what you want, doesn’t make it shit.

I do not play gatcha games, but I know people that do and they enjoy them. Shoot many people do or they wouldn’t be so popular.

I often wonder why someone( my Mom lol) throwing

They are always calling out progressive people for not having a spine. We started calling out people for literally funding our misery. I’m over it. He’s rich and he’ll be alright. Maybe he can write a book about it and go on FOX. If he wanted to avoid politics he wouldn’t donate to politicians. If someone calls me out

It’s almost ironic - Cawthon gave money to politicians who would legislate the ostensible reason for his career taking off, James Stephanie Sterling, out of existence. The man wouldn’t have gotten the spark to make his horror series without honest critique from the noted non-binary video game critiquing icon. So... I

If dude peddles a line as trite as “believes in equality, science, and common sense” yet puts money into Trump’s campaign, he IS either a liar or ignorant because none of this is reconcilable with The Donald and his presidency.

As someone else said, people can have their viewpoints. We’re also still allowed to criticize them for it.

Uh, donating to any of the politicians he donated to was never “the right choice” no matter what your political views, unless you believe that certain people deserve no civil rights.

I agree, he wouldn’t have lost any sales. But this way he gets to fire up the nazi contingent of the gamer community who will by his games en masse just to own the libs.

“I choose to remove myself from criticism, while still earning money from any new Freddy’s games that come out. Conveniently, since I won’t be the public face anymore, many who might have hesitated to buy them will decide that this makes it fine to again. Even though I’ll still get the money and almost certainly still

He’s either a liar or ignorant. 

Listen, Bob - if the gay people in your life haven’t stopped you from leaving the house looking like a boxcar hobo who collapsed on a Walgreen’s 4th of July display, then they’re definitely not your friends.

“Relatively small bear” is a mama bear with her cubs, and is relatively large enough to seriously fuck up a human.

These people must have literally nothing to do if they can’t fathom doing anything else but this garbage.

All Gabe and Tycho have to do is make out in the spa and those numbers will go through the roof.

It’s hard to believe they keep finding new lows but you’d swear these MFs were most talented oil drillers in history, I mean they could plunge through the depths of hell with their bare hands at the speed of white, I mean light, just defying the rules and shocking us with new levels of depravity each and every damned

I’ll be open-minded, but I don’t like it. I like how it works currently. Not all tanks are built the same, which is why it’s nice to have more than one. Hammond isn’t really a tank in the same way Rein and Orisa are. I don’t think he would function well as the sole tank because his role isn’t really to soak up damage

Old release date: Never

These employees are so entitled, expecting an indie studio like CIG to have the ability to treat staff humanely and not go out of business. It’s not like it’s made of mon... oh...

Americans, not humans.