How is this your job?
You’re a click baiting ass hat ya know that?
You’re a click baiting ass hat ya know that?
No he seems he’s always been this kind of unpleasant person, great artist, great visionary, but he’s a sour human being deep down.
Deal with it? This is a review on a entertainment product, if they want to comment on politics and the state of the world, go work for an actual news site.
Mm I keep getting a something went wrong error, contact local distributor or retailer for support. Anyone else get this?
Not happy that he has it but sure as hell won’t wish him well
It’s a white box with no identifiable features in that video, how would you know that it’s anything but a white box?
To be fair it wasn’t the humans who did that, it was the wyvarians who are now nearly a wiped out people.
Only 99gb total on XBone? Man I’m on PS4 and think it’s eating up 198gbs or something, it’s freaking insane! Not to mention the way you have to download the update, install the update, launch the game, only to be told it needs to restart due to updates, then check if there is a new content update which needs to…
It’s a game that has been out for a year, honestly I wasn’t expecting it to hit next gen to begin with. It would have been nice if you buy the expansion you get a free upgrade but honestly it shouldn’t be expected as the default. All the more reason to go PC from the start though on any game that isn’t a console…
Agreed, I’m ready not to buy the game and I was honestly one of the few actually looking forward to this game. Was gonna get it on PC and even though I own a PS4, this is bullshit that I will not support. They could have made the PS4 Spider-Man outfit as an exclusive (even have exclusive abilities tied to it) and I…
Isn’t Spider-Man in Ultimate Alliance 3...on the Switch?
Looks fun but still wish it was developed with the help of Arc System Works at least, capture that 2D look in 3D.
The problem is it can be used by racist players, get a team together of asshats, one puts down a spray of a character of color (or go full blown racist with Winston) and then another puts down the noose spray and bam, insta racism.
I’m surprised she didn’t say something along the lines of “Well if you want to find a job, why not ask your daddy to give/make you a job?” This whole thing is infuriating on the level of like “why don’t poor people just save money” it’s like “bitch, I’m living paycheck to paycheck” (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻