
What a fucking coward/monster.

“ . . . he and his fellow Trump supporters had been “having fun” taunting the teens—but also said he was relieved when McKinney shot them because the thought they might be armed.”

they’re trying to go with “vehicle used as weapon”

A peace sign in front of broken windows. It’s so stupid you’d think her brain should have dribbled out her ears.  

In addition to this being the epitome of foolish self-incrimination, it is also possibly the worst way to market yourself as a realtor while actively breaking and entering a building.

I am glad kids this generation are more woke and tired of the boomer bullshit and she is a great kid who I hope will become a great adult for being aware of reality unlike her shit mother, she can go fuck herself with a hypocrisy stick.

Yeah, I have trouble believing there aren’t renders at Nintendo of Mario in this pose..... because it’s a basic standing pose. There’s literally NOTHING unique about it. What a weird level of arrogance to think Nintendo’s character designers aren’t capable of thinking of an image of Mario...... just standing there

Honestly it looks like mario in his default idle animation from any number of the 3d mario games.  Rendering something doesn’t equate to making art from scratch.  

Ah, but you see, Nintendo is popular! If you hate something popular, that means you’re a free-thinking rebel, not like those sheep, who like popular things!

So what makes him think they took his, instead of that they made one that, like his, looks like mario?

This is a nothingburger. He made a render that is almost identical to the one used for the Super Mario Run icon. He put work into it sure, but it’s not like he created some new concept that was ripped off. And I doubt that render was built from scratch.

PS4 and XBONE owners:

How long before Bioware joins other EA studios in the long night?

Reagan wasn’t bad for my family, either. Doesn’t mean he wasn’t a nightmare for people who don’t look like me.

Hi, any chance you’ve heard of the 45th President of the United States of America? I’ve got over 250,000 reasons why he might be a worse President.

I’m old enough. He was a scumbag surrounded by scumbags And you don’t want to *not* read about politics here, you just don’t want politics that don’t hew to the St Ronnie line.

This wasn’t a review, and the shit that Reagan did during his administration was abominable, and that’s just how he dealt with the AIDS crisis alone. Beyond that, his bass-ackwards economic polices, proven not to work and since been deemed a failure by the fucking architect of the policy are still somehow considered

I remember Limbaugh saying that (and, while we’re there, a big hearty Eff-you to Rush), but I forget why he was making that claim...

I think you missed the point. 

I think he seems curmudgeonly based on other, normal interviews he’s done. Not because of people annoying him while he takes out the trash. Amusingly, this was more pleasant than he usually is in normal interviews.