
Occasionally there are master plans. But then it all goes to shit 20 minutes later when it turns out riding herd on a football team’s worth of creatives doesn’t make for great stories, or happy creatives.

They kind of look like guys who would cosplay as Cloud and Barrett, before they put on their gear.

If anything, of the hosts that I’ve seen, Bialik did the best Trebek impersonation. “Thish guy readsh from a carrrd!”

Frankly, smarmy and faux intellectual was basically Trebek’s brand. I haven’t seen all the hosts, but of the ones I did, she did the best job of doing an Alex impersonation.

The theme restaurant died for me when Marvel Mania lost its lease at Universal Studios. Back when no one really gave too many shits about Marvel.

You realize you’re 37 and not in their main demo?

I’m not sure it was buying art with extra steps, as buying crypto with a bonus picture attached to it. Here’s some blockchain code, and like a Crackerjack surprise.

They were never really Jewish. Even if you want to ignore the retcon of the retcon of the retcon that they were Magneto’s kids, this was something they never knew about until they were adults, never factored into how the characters were written ever, and besides, Magneto himself wasn’t officially, definitively Jewish

If it wasn’t real, fuck it, he’s the greatest writer/actor of all time.

Drive Angry was one of a handful of movies enhanced by 3D. Like, the only way to really see it.

Anyone else remember E For All? Anyone? Anyone?

The lesson here is technology companies shouldn’t buy Time Warner.

There goes my theory that Evan Peters did everything. In fairness, he’s Evan Peters, and the characters he tends to play have never let death stop him before.

Alex Murphy got it worse in Robocop. I assume he’ll come back as a cyborg.

When he was talking about how he stole the victory in his biggest case, he might as well have said “And I’m only two weeks to retirement.”

I think they’re going to be canon in the same sense that Incredible Hulk wasn’t entirely not a sequel to Hulk, but they were going to ignore all the parts of it they wanted to ignore. That’s Daredevil. You know him. But things may not have happened exactly as you saw them.

I’ll be honest, probably will if they ever have a good bundle again. But then, I can’t remember the last time I purchased one.

So I know people are saying “I expect it to be stupid!” Thing is, Mortal Kombat was stupid, as was Annihilation, but only one was watchable. The first movie was dumb as rocks, but it was simple. It worked. The second one was also dumb as rocks, but tried to make things complicated. It sucked.

Given that Cage isn’t in either...

Thing is, that’s what made the original movie work -- it knew just how much or little plot to have. Mostly little. But it managed somehow not to complicate things, despite Liu Kang basically being on a separate heroic track from Cage/Blade.