You’re thinking of the Yellow Claw, who was Marvel’s Fu Manchu ripoff in the 50s. But they are two different characters. A few years back, Marvel changed Fu Manchu’s name to Zheng Zu so they could use him without violating trademarks.
You’re thinking of the Yellow Claw, who was Marvel’s Fu Manchu ripoff in the 50s. But they are two different characters. A few years back, Marvel changed Fu Manchu’s name to Zheng Zu so they could use him without violating trademarks.
Please keep in mind, Fu Manchu’s Si-Fan predates Ra’s Al Ghul by like 60 years. Because the Mandarin was originally Fu Manchu in the comics.
I dunno, I kind of think trying to take the inherent racism out of Iron Fist is like doing it to Tarzan. I’m not sure how much is really left of the characters if you do so. Is that an argument for not using them? I dunno, maybe?
Very carefully.
As the bullets fall gracefully from the vibranium weave outfits.
Same reason Ewan MacGregor doesn’t do the Star Wars cartoons. They cost too much money.
You’re late on that last part. Liam O’Brien played in in the Middle Earth games.
That seems like it would be unlikely, just because multiplatform, and you couldn’t do that on the Gameboy Advanced version.
Honestly, I’m not sure I noticed enough of a difference in the armors to feel like any of it would have “affected my play style.”
I, too, saw Porky’s.
Fortunately I’ve always had a very strong gut when it comes to movement. Can read in the car and everything.
That unit wouldn’t go upside down like the R360. Which required wearing a six point harness, and required a full-time attendant. Which was another reason there were so few of them. Only got a chance to ride one at Starcade at Disneyland.
I remember going to Disneyland and being very excited, not because I was going to Disneyland, but because Starcade, the arcade in Tomorrowland, had an R360 playing GLOC.
Just have it be the same character model, but then you find out it’s a her during the final cut scene when she sits down to urinate.
Hulk was originally meant to be gray. But he was also kinda villainous. At least, not heroic.
Keep in mind, Vision originally appeared as a villain. Hero by the end of the issue, but the intent was villainy.
I’m almost more interested in how the remastered version came together, but that’s more about pulling together the original cast that wasn’t dead yet. One of the very last things Alan “Unca Scrooge” Young did professionally.
The same, but I can’t guarantee I didn’t look something up on GameFAQs. I’m not saying I did, but it was kind of forever ago, I can’t say that I didn’t.
Chuck Norris Facts were just Vin Diesel facts that caught on more.