
“bloodthirsty portrayal of the mammal”?

Actually Mike from the original Street Fighter is the first African American

I think they understood. But

Good, I’m glad they’ll stop covering such lighthearted stories like Aunt May’s fate in the first game.

I keep telling you, Art Fleming is 97 years old.  And also dead.

They should bring back Art Fleming. Kids will want to see the original Jeopardy! host.

You could certainly be confused in fall of 2013. Bill Cosby’s fall from grace happened at the end of 2014 (prompted by a Hannibal Buress clip going viral, of all things). Bill Cosby was still putting out comedy specials at the end of 2013 and generally thought of as an adorable elderly figure, going on the talk show

It was also adapted as a comic, published by Dark Horse.  Check it out if you like comics, Alien or both!

Surprised nobody has brought it up, but William Gibson wrote a script for Alien 3 which was set on earth. It’s even available on line as a pdf.

The thing about the “it ended in a tie” argument is that it ignores the whole tone of the scene.  Bruce Lee acts like a cocky jerk while Brad Pitt acts like a cool stud.  Brad Pitt continues to act cool while deliberately letting Bruce Lee land a stupid-looking, poorly delivered kick.  Stands up, dusts himself off and

People in minority groups don’t like seeing people using racial slurs.  There’s lots of work don’t on the psychological harm it causes to see that, if you’re interested.  A lot of it is available on the internet with a google search.

Despite what the child responding said previously, your grandpa was right to be repulsed. The problem is that we’ve always had a culture where war has been entertainment for the people not being fucked up by the war, and everyone loves a soldier as long as they’re dying. We live in a sick culture filled with sick

...everyone remotely familiar with film scores?

It’s literally called ‘Ghostbusters Theme’. That’s its actual title.  Bernstein is a legend.

90s, not ‘80s. G-LOC came out in 1990, Wing War in 1994.

He isn’t pushing 30, he’s 23 in the game.

You couldn’t make a movie like Blazing Saddles in today’s climate? Got news for you: they barely made Blazing Saddles in 1974 - go back and read some of the commentary in the day. Decent people didn’t go to see movies like that. 

We’ve heard from Stephen King. How about Iowa Rep. Steve King? I’m sure he’ll have all kinds of takes on Oscar diversity.

Now playing

The lesson here is that the song was right and we’ve all chosen the wrong careers.

He can’t even make the apology funny - like most shitty comedians who are confronted for offensive shit, he falls back on platitudes instead of jokes, like the following:

Removing something from your own work that you feel do not stand by is, just saying, not fucking censorship. It’s called editing! Ya know, that shit that you do in order to create a good work?