
Disneyland hasn’t been open during the pandemic. That’s why they’re doing the vaccines there. It’s been closed since early March. Not by choice -- state has them shut down. You’re confusing things with Disneyworld, which remains open in Florida. But that only has so much to do with the LA County surge. And we’ll

He was a Secretary of Defense during the GW Bush administration. No, seriously.

Me, Grimlock, Jewish!

If there was a large black boxer in Street Fighter named M. Bison. Also why the Golden Nugget Nin-Nin Hall was renamed Golden Bullion: Shadaloo Hall in later Street Fighter games, because Golden Nugget is an actual casino.

It’s like you missed the whole deal with Spider-Verse in that there are many Spider-Men, and this is just one. Not the same character as the one in the movie, not the same character as the one in the comic books who doesn’t wear shoes. 

Peter is 23 in the game. He’s been Spider-Man since high school. 

So not for nothing, but Peter is 23 in the game. 

I’m more interested in it than I was, but I think I’m still going to wait until a price drop. Or skins that look more like the comic book counterparts. 

I wish there was the Captain America thing. Or rather, I wish there was something that looked more like Captain America in his Kirby designed costume. Why you would make a superhero game and not have the option to look like they do in the comics... 

In general, the way Marvel Comics works, unless there’s an explicit storyline of supervillain becomes politician, the real-world politician is in the job. Every other president has shown up at some point. Trump has been alluded to, if not explicitly shown/mentioned. 

Right, because I can’t think of any reasons why there would be Russian espionage currently against the US. 

Canonically, Black Widow doesn’t speak like Natasha from Rocky and Bullwinkle because she’s a spy. Spy would be pretty useless if every time she spoke you’d go yep, she’s a Russian spy. 

But Cannon was Over the Top.

Bob Genghis Khan... and Abraham Lincoln.

I don’t know why, but that’s like my favorite joke in the first movie, that they couldn’t bother giving Lincoln a fake name for Missy, I mean Mom. 

I think enjoyment is highly dependent on how much you enjoy the first two films -- especially if you were a kid when they came out. Like, if you don’t call Socrates so-CRATES in real life, and have never said “They Melvined me,” the movie isn’t going to have the same impact. 

I watched it because I’m a mark for Sam Raimi. But I’ll be damned if I can remember it, compared to his other “prestige” movie, A Simple Plan. And by prestige, not a horror or attempt at a blockbuster.

If you’re going to bitch about it, at least bring up Lost. 

Not exactly a fad. Siegel and Shuster made him a monster first. See: Reign of the Superman.

So, it’s both super-expensive and cheap simultaneously? 

To the same extent, I think you also needed the black equivalent of matinee idol for the role to work right. Cleavon was -- Richard was not.