and then . . .
and then . . .
ReDragon keyboard and mice, for the price you can’t go wrong
fingerbib, and i requested to have rhubarb played at my funeral. rich is a cool guy. On is what i listen to alot also. i can put both of those (fingerbib & on) on repeat and listen for a long time.
I totally want to see this. Lupin the Thirrrd, Lupin the Thirrd, Lupin, Lupin, Lupin, dut dut, Lupin the Third.
Still have my Next Generation copies and I used to read GameFan from front to back.
My sentiments exactly. Why pay full price for something you know will be half-priced in less than six months, esp. if its a multi-million seller. Except when you want to play the latest shooter with your friends, wait I don't have any friends so I'm still good.
Leo is that u?
This is who. . .Worst Company in America
Really, nobody? This is Nacho!
It actually scared me when I was a kid.
This would be better.
Ha ha that's what I think too. I have a friend that gets motion sickness just from playing Half Life 2, I can't imagine how long he would last with this (30 sec's?)
OOHH I have NOLF 1 and 2 also but sadly I missed out on Grim Fandango
Hmmm I wonder what this game would be like in complete immersion?
Ha ha that's what I thought about. I still have the disk version in the box complete and I have the digital copy from GOG
We use to go head to head in Halo and he would kick my ass every time and that ended my enjoyment of Halo. Now we play (or did) FFXIV together.
The little guy in the Poor Leno suit (Poor Leno) is actually my fourth son. My first born I started him out on SMB in 1994 when he was two. This is what happened when he turned 20.
I once had a friend who's brother was completely blind and could beat "Punch-out" from the sound alone.