
Ha ha I'm currently playing this on my PS3. I got the limited edition with the limited edition strategy guide. I love it. It is cool to see how XII looks like Vagrant Story and XIV looks like XII. I would rather see Vagrant Story myself but I have recently replayed that on my phone.

Or even Tobal No. 2 would be great as so many did not get to play that. I was lucky enough to get Tobal No. 2 and FF VII from Japan.

Or better yet a redone G-Police with updated controls/graphics would be awesome on the PS3/4. The same goes for Colony Wars.

Ha Ha that's funny.

My oldest son was born in 1992. I wanted to name him Anakin Stillman, not because I'm some crazy Star Wars fan, but because I think the name is cool. I mean I really like the movies but I thought it would be a cool name. Of course this was way before Episode I came out and I had no idea that it was coming out when he

Boob sweat?

Can I be a part of your family? I like Miyzaki/Studio Ghiblits (Ha Ha that's what my girlfriend and I call it) and we play Gloom.

I laughed so hard my whole body hurts. Watched it twice and laughed just as hard the second time.

SG3 W/ PS3 controller. Best game platform. Many sleepless nights lying in bed playing SNES, PS1 games.

Like adding insult to injury.

Say like. . . . . . . . . this kid?

Whew, that is a relief. I haven't finished Shenmue yet.

oh 118 999 881 999 119 725 . . . . 3

What if you had enough will power and discipline to wait till the next gen console came out before you purchased the new one? Say you waited till now to purchase a PS3. Just think all the cool games on the PS3 (how cheap could you get them) you would have access to today? It is not like there is a shortage of games

Or your 45 and have a ton of PC, PS1, PS2, and PSP games to play/finish (mostly Rpgs)

Let's Dance to Joy Division