
Except an Ep-3 couldn’t out maneuver any jet even if it wanted to. It is a large heavy propeller driven aircraft who mission is reconnaissance not banking at the speeds a fighter jet American or Russian are able to achieve.  

Stupid comment is stupid.

you haven't seen a lot if albums then lmao!

Aphex Twin is not a "they", it's a he. And you both are wrong.

When I added that link, my first thought was "I bet this will stir more debate than anything else in the article."

Someone should revive the illustrated ratings.

That's a lot of money, no doubt. But it comes out to roughly $68 per game, which is surprisingly (or depressingly) close to the going rate for most console and PC games coming out these days.

You forgot Kasem's most important voice work. As Mark in Battle of the Planets.

Fuck off you cancerous piece of shit. Your input is literally shit and you never even share opinions. I hate you, I want you die. I would actually kill you if I was given the option.

I can't stop staring at the rainbow in the lower right corner.

I will get massive hate for this, but Dubstep still beats the shit out of Metal any day of the week.

Vomit. Lots and lots of vomit.

Shogo? Is that you?

Buying this right now!

Now playing

Steve Brule picture and no Steve Brule thread? I'll fix this.

Ya turkey.

Sweet. I just can't wait until the time we can play together on games. regardless of what it is. The picture above was when he managed to kill himself and another person on COD BO2. I need to put "First Frag" in his baby book.

I have for better or worse already started mine with video games from the beginning. Forza Horizon and COD:BO2 ended up being lullaby's. Now that he is older (2 yrs) I try to keep the whole shooting thing to a minimum since he is a little more cognizant of what is happening on screen.

Morrowind's environment is quite beautiful, in my opinion. The ashen wastes and the dust storms that you have to endure are bleakly haunting, and the massive mushrooms really make it feel like an alien landscape for sure. Skyrim feels like Norway, Oblivion felt like Spain or somewhere else in western Europe, but