“You know there’s all kinds of people that come out,”
“You know there’s all kinds of people that come out,”
18 days. Too much or too little. What do you guys think?
Baylor could use a quarterback...
I give Gus credit for making the effort to learn soccer. I’ve been watching the sport for 21 of my 38 years (since World Cup ‘94) and still couldn’t carry Ian Darke’s microphone, so I can only imagine what it was like for a guy whose network bosses were like “here’s your new favourite sport.”
To be fair, his lack of knowledge on tactics was barely noticable during his soccer broadcasts. We were too busy noticing his lack of knowledge of the player’s names, the basic rules of soccer, and his shouting at us when there was no reason to be shouting.
As an Oklahoman, I can assure you all that my fellow residents are working tirelessly at this very moment to tie this into a defense of gun owners’ rights.
“What they didn’t understand is what was coming out of her mouth was fucking amazing, bro,” he says. “Like, I was thinking on a totally different level than they were.”
Jared Woodfill, a spokesman for the PAC, told the paper that the donation “was very exciting for us.”
He now officially has a better prognosis than the Lakers.
Just to confirm Isola’s story: any anecdote involving Stephon Marbury and the Knicks ends with him checking out.
It’s all part of the 12-step program. Just as soon as you’re 12 steps out of the building, they fire your ass.
“Sarkisian ran up $106 in minibar charges in one day ...”
I hardly think drinking a Heineken and four ounces of white zinfandel constitutes an alcohol problem.
How dare people make jokes about a serious situation! I see this all the time on some kind of sports blog called..um...Deadcurve maybe? Hmm...
was he by any chance carrying a small pellet gun?
This is a deceptively simple case. Colleges generally operate as not-for-profits under IRS Section 501 (c)3 and therefore aren’t permitted to accept payment from a for-profit entity regardless of whether such payment may support the educational mission. Therefore Georgia Tech cannot accept royalties or licensing fees…
“Give me the Lloyd Christmas.”
At least Ms. Sacco now understands that even white people can get ads from other people.
And now to take a close look at the remaining 99.999% of the annual DoD budget.