
I think Jenna Coleman is great but I do kinda want to see the new Doctor with a new companion.

what?? To each their own on taste, but I think you missed a large section of plot. Ronin was attacking the Xandarians in an act of Racial Genocide that had nothing to do with ANY of the Guardians. The only reason he even remotely cared about them was they took the power stone before he got it, so he took it back.

That mask/Helmet for Diggle seemed very Guardian-esque. I also like the friendship that seems to be forming between Thea and Laurel, should make both those characters a little more fun to watch.

A found footage episode from a different character’s perspective has “never been done” on Doctor Who? That seems odd because I seem to recall one in particular that does just that and is consistently rated as one of the best episodes ever....

to die off screen is to potentially live forever

Ithink there is a balance to be found. Sure not all games can give you everything at once, nor should they, but if there is a significant amout of time without “payout” for the player then thats the fault of the develeoper. Look at Dragon age 2, for all it’s faults it does do it’s intro well. It knows it will be a

I think you are right many of these will not see large numbers, but being a bomb is going to depend on expectations. I’m sure sales expectations for Mad Max are very high and when it does poorly it will bomb. But a game like Fatal Frame isn’t really expected to sell that much, heck it’s a digital only release because

so the victorican sherlock special is either a dream of Watson’s, a drug induced delusion for Sherlock or A time travel episode involving the Doctor right?

man I want a parallel universe version of Ollie just to have him wear a goatee once

They look like the crappy home-made version that Tobey Mcguire’s Spidey uses when he wrestles Bonesaw.

You keep chugging along there Ron Pearlman. When you did this constant push for Hellboy 2 no one believed you would get it made and it happened. I believe in you! I want the end of the Trilogy!

I want a poster of Zombie cyborg Greedo walking away from Han’s body lying on the ground, Greedo’s arm cannon still smoking and him saying “Yea? Well who shot first this time, nerfherder?”

The writers on Arrow must really not like poor detective Lance. First Sarah is “dead” then alive then dead again and now she’d gonna be alive again... He’s gonna end up in an insane asylum by the end of this season.

Don’t forget about house Ordos! Those green mind controlling bastards were the worst!

Robbie Amell and Lauren Ambrose will join the cast as the “smart and smooth Agent Miller” ...

wouldn’t it make more sense to have the phone flip out like a sidekick but have controls and a 2nd smaller touch screen underneath. bam, smartphone and DS. but a little 3ds slot on the side for games and you are set.

I’ll pass on “Tank Girl” Samus. That crusader Kermit though... thats pretty awesome

I don’t remember Neil Young being this up in arms when the big switch from Vinyl to Cassette took place. In fact, there were many many cassettes with Neil Young on them. I guess he just didn’t care about the quality of his music back then....

hey, I’ll give it a shot with my kids. Angry birds original, space, star wars 1 & 2 and Stella were all fun. None broke the mold but added something new each time. Enough that my kids and I enjoyed playing together. Go and Transformers were a disaster, but Bad piggies and even Epic were pretty good games.

Yea, I was really not a big fan of PvZ2 ehen if launched. fortunetly that lasted about a month before they pulled a MAJOR 180 and revamped it. it’s now pretty much PvZ 1 just a whole lot better. You can still spend real money instead of in game money for power-ups or for a few (3 I think) premium plants, but none are