
Because there is no “Good guy” and “Bad Guy” label. Instead of doing everything in his power to protect people in Metropolis Superman had an all out brawl in the middle of the city risking and ending Thousands of lives. He could have moved the battle out of the city, but he didn’t.

In every picture I see of Batfleck he looks bored and slightly annoyed instead of brooding.

ah man, to have Acroyear show up in a live action movie? My head would explode

Poor Supergirl. With the leak of the pilot a month or 2 ago and filming on ep2 not starting until after comicon I feel like they aren’t going to have much to hype up the crowd with.

wait, there’s only one save slot? what is this pokemon?!?

don’t know much about reddit, but aren’t those subsections little communites of people sharing a similar interest? If you are just randomly showing up and posting “critical comments” before becoming part of the community I would probably “rake you over the coals” as well.

Don’t you dare badmouth Guy Gardner. He could run circles around the other Lanterns, and do with with STYLE with his awesome vest and haircut.

yea, the story they are leading up to is more in line with the original “Infinity Gauntlet” Storyline where they battle Thanos, not infinity war where Magnus is the primary villian. I think they just took the Infinity War name cause it sounds a lot better as a movie title

I really hope that infinity war call sheet is fake. We really don’t need the Magnus butting in. I know they are calling it infinity war, but its really more the infinity gauntlet storyline

Wait, so no Guy Gardner in my GL movie AND I have to wait till OCTOBER for Flash and Arrow? Well this morning sure was a downer....

Well if Arrow’s history with family tree tweaking stays on course my guess it that Olivers Dad had an affair with this Patty woman and got her pregnant. she didn’t want the baby so he took it and raised it with Moira as their own. That baby was Oliver and now him and Thea aren’t even remotely related to one another.

While I have other worries about the success of the DC movie U, I really like the concept of them jumping into already established character arcs instead of origin stories.

I own a PS3 (and not a 360) and have not upgraded to the next Gen yet. As neither were backwards compatible I had no real stake in the next gen as none of my hardware or software would carry over. with this news I may pick up an XB1 when I upgrade. it would allow me to access the back catalog of 360 games I never

Maybe Samuel L Jackson wants a little more than marvel is willing to pay to re-up his contract? I dunno, if they only have a guaranteed 2 films left I guess they should save them for avengers part 1 and 2.

my first thought is the Justice League Cartoon scenes where he hands waller her towel getting out of the shower and she tears him a new one.

it was part of the LEGO digital Designer program. I ordered a few things that I created and they were fantastic. It even made custom computer generated instructions, though they were not very good for larger models.

“6. The best driver for any show is when it’s primary villain doesn’t know they’re a villain. “

starting around season 6 or 7 smallville followed the pattern of an ok 1st half of season, rumors of cancellation/non-renewal, then the writers say “F- it” and go all out and comic crazy, doing whatever they want. That would lead to a boost in ratings, to which would keep the show hanging on for another year.

“So effectively it’s Blizzard telling us how we should play our game”

exact opposite, no Grant, no Barry. make Ezra Wally west