
Of all the things I expected to pick up as a father, an encyclopedic knowledge of Curious George was no one of them. Thanks Herbert Nenninger.

If i ever become an actor, this is going to be my tagline.

When Han Solo dies, I want it to be by cold, steel claw of Zombie Cyborg Greedo.

Microverse means Micronauts!

Well met.

Is The Punisher an MCU property? Or one of the other studios? While the previous attempts haven’t been great, the idea of the Punisher turning up in some of the other MCU properties wouldn’t be the worst thing in the world, Daredevil and Spider-Man being the obvious ones.

The idea of Thor of all people being scared is kind of alien to me. He, in the MCU, at least, doesn't really seem like the type.

One of the best comic flashbacks that I read was in the Invincible series written by The Walking Dead's Robert Kirkman. In the first 11 or 12 issues is a history of Invincible's dad, another superhero. His origin story is told in flashback. The amazing part is that the true history is told in a later issue with the

I don't really care for the new formatting for Morning Spoilers. Unless people are just cutting down on extra work because of the holidays, I'd like to see the return of large bold headings and a bit of room between subjects.

I think that's perfect! Intro done, Spidey introduced, origin complete. You set him up as having only dealt with low-level stuff and have this be his first big time super-villain fight.

"There was also a scene with Henry Cavill, as Bruce Wayne, surrounded by green screens."

I didn't think I'd be getting my own stand-alone film.

People don't give Cap2 enough credit for how freakin dark and subversive it was. Outing nearly the entire military industrial complex, information collection/targeting software, etc as a tool of men who amount to modern day Nazi's? DARK!

The way it was worded it came across like you thought he was saying all comic films were inspired by it, going on to point out that Marvel films take a different tone and aren't informed by it.

They were very clear that he was talking about Batman films. Batman films not Marvel films, so you're having the wrong discussion.

I mean, he's the DARK knight. His parents were shot in front of his own eyes. It's an inherently grim character, and I think taking a lighter look at him removes a lot of what makes him great and unique.

"♪everything is awesome♪"

WWH might never happen because Marvel seems averse to portraying the good guys negatively. One example was the Iron Man 2 plot getting changed to make Howard Stark innocent because he was going to be in Captain America the year after. Ant-Man's script also got changed reportedly because Marvel had issues with the

I love Mount Wario. I wish there were more tracks like that in the game.

Green Lantern vs Quasar - In a fight I'd go GL, but Quasar is a being of pure energy so it's hard to win decisively