
I love Laura but what on earth is that signature? It looks more like Grog trying to write his name than an actual signature!

not even that, its a story he his telling his 7 year old niece, so of course it doesn’t have to make perfect adult sense.

I think they should have cable give his WHOLE backstory in a dead serious run on monologue with his back turned while we watch deadpool be bored out of his mind and pantomine various suicides, stabbing cable in the back etc....

I thought we already saw earth 2 Laurel as a metahuman villain in last year’s crossover. I guess she could have a change of heart....

I did, and still do. THere are still a suprising number of games for it that don’t do off TV play though....

The simple on-screen to off screen play is what sells me. With my consoles hooked to our living room TV I get less and less time with the kids taking it over to watch zootopia etc. now I can grab this and play right next to them.

I disagree, while I do think MOS and Bvs had many flaws I appreaciate that they addressed the MoS massive killing/damage in BvS and that they will now address Bats behaviour. I think course correcting the story in the movies is much better than just ignoring it and creating more logical gaps in the movies (goodness

All this manipulation of the game and semi-hacking stuff should have been to unlock porygon....

if its going to have trigger buttons and some sort of contour on the back for hand comfort it’s going to be bigger than an ipad anyway. I basically imagine a Wii U touchpad 2.0 that is a little thinner and sturdier with a bigger better screen.

two gyms by me have 1200+ CP Gyrados protecting them. I have to assume people found those already evolved.

THe white ones are Zane from ninjago and the black ones are from the short lived price of persia movie sets from a few years ago.

I wouldnt put it past WB to make it based on the Arkham Asylum video game series. it gets you an established universe with easy access to all villians and with the games popularity the groundwork is already laid out for them

so basically we are going to get some sort of arkham asylum scene in the next Batman movie, showing all the villians. Heck I wouldnt be suprised to see them base the movie somewhat on the game itself.

I’m convinced they netflix bought the rights to a 3rd season of young justice and greenlit it already and this is just all viral hype trying to promote it and get people all psyched up again.

My 6 year old would sell his little brother for this game.

Most do not, but they are capable of being upgraded to have one, the Emporor’s royal guard had red ones that had upgraded shields AND a hyperdrive. Being the Son of King Bowser, I would imagine Bowser Jr gets whatever he wants on his Interceptor. Typical spoiled brat.

I think you misspelled Jesse L Martin

Thats BOWSER to us americans thank you. none of this “Koopa” nonsense.

Nothing like this to make me want to re-watch the series right after it’s taken off of Netflix. thanks BBC.

Well obviously Jon Snow is dead, he can’t be brought back to life if he doesn’t die. It’s clear he’s coming back, but I love that all the cast were obviously told “no, no, keep up the charade and say he’s dead, cause ‘technically’ he is still dead because we didn’t air the resurrection episode yet... so even though