
I love Laura but what on earth is that signature? It looks more like Grog trying to write his name than an actual signature!

I did, and still do. THere are still a suprising number of games for it that don’t do off TV play though....

The simple on-screen to off screen play is what sells me. With my consoles hooked to our living room TV I get less and less time with the kids taking it over to watch zootopia etc. now I can grab this and play right next to them.

All this manipulation of the game and semi-hacking stuff should have been to unlock porygon....

two gyms by me have 1200+ CP Gyrados protecting them. I have to assume people found those already evolved.

My 6 year old would sell his little brother for this game.

Most do not, but they are capable of being upgraded to have one, the Emporor’s royal guard had red ones that had upgraded shields AND a hyperdrive. Being the Son of King Bowser, I would imagine Bowser Jr gets whatever he wants on his Interceptor. Typical spoiled brat.

Thats BOWSER to us americans thank you. none of this “Koopa” nonsense.

THe only thing I would like to see different is instead of “Should you play this?” it should be “Who should play this?” The way you have it is too black and white as if a game is good enough for EVERYONE or no one, which is rarely the case. It’s be much more helpful If I’m told a game is good for: “RPG fans” or “fans

Yea if (big if) this comes out by mid 2017 I will feel kinda cheated by the WiiU support. If it isn’t backwards compatable with the WiiU games then I’m sure many (like myself) will hold off a year or 2 before getting it and it will put Nintendo back in the same position it is in now.

That Herbert Nenninger is a bastard. He once ordered a hundred dozen donuts to my house!

so if I own all of them and still have my PS3 is there any additional benefit to buying this collection other than playing it on the PS4?

looks very Guacamelee

Ithink there is a balance to be found. Sure not all games can give you everything at once, nor should they, but if there is a significant amout of time without “payout” for the player then thats the fault of the develeoper. Look at Dragon age 2, for all it’s faults it does do it’s intro well. It knows it will be a

I think you are right many of these will not see large numbers, but being a bomb is going to depend on expectations. I’m sure sales expectations for Mad Max are very high and when it does poorly it will bomb. But a game like Fatal Frame isn’t really expected to sell that much, heck it’s a digital only release because

Don’t forget about house Ordos! Those green mind controlling bastards were the worst!

I’ll pass on “Tank Girl” Samus. That crusader Kermit though... thats pretty awesome

hey, I’ll give it a shot with my kids. Angry birds original, space, star wars 1 & 2 and Stella were all fun. None broke the mold but added something new each time. Enough that my kids and I enjoyed playing together. Go and Transformers were a disaster, but Bad piggies and even Epic were pretty good games.

Yea, I was really not a big fan of PvZ2 ehen if launched. fortunetly that lasted about a month before they pulled a MAJOR 180 and revamped it. it’s now pretty much PvZ 1 just a whole lot better. You can still spend real money instead of in game money for power-ups or for a few (3 I think) premium plants, but none are

wait, there’s only one save slot? what is this pokemon?!?