
RE Star Trek 3 “stating that [elba]’s playing a new character, rather than a necessarily familiar one”


I kinda wish some of these options were real. Who wouldn’t want magic snow that could fill your chest with goodies.

if they aren't given a specific backstory, everyone will assume they are inhumans, since that is going to be the MCU equivalent to the mutants at this point.

is that a dark black or darker black turtleneck?

Shield is really starting to bother me. They spent years gathering and working with people with special abilities, even creating the Avengers. Even when deathlok was attacking them they tried to help him, but now one of their own has special abilities and they are suddenly "oh no, powers! she must be evil now!"

Yea, I saw that and thought "wow, DC is already trying to cause confusion for Marvel's planned Capt Marvel movie" then I did a quick wiki search and it appears that is, in fact, one of supergirl's names. I call no foul

I see Neil Blomkamp is taking the Sin City route and waiting just long enough for no one to care about the original anymore before making a sequel (District 10)

why was smart money on Hawkeye dying? I thought it was pretty clear that Thor will be dying, given the fact that his next film is entitled "Ragnorak" Which is the name of the clone that Tony makes while Thor is dead during Civil War.... Which is also the name of the next Cap movie.....

to be fair, the events of all the movies impact the rest, so civil war will not be forgotten at the end of CA. If Iron man lies/misleads spidey to get him on his side during civil war, the repercussions of this should be felt in the spidey movie. otherwise whats the point of a shared universe?

Scarlet witch transporting them to a nightmare world where they see a worst case scenario? I bet this is where we see Cap's broken shield.

I have no stake in either side of the argument but I hear this all the time with Mario titles.

it won't really be her I hope. Maybe she and many others get mind controlled by Grodd and become minions for a big battle before being freed. Firestorm may be immune to the mind control since he is 2 people in one.

Poor Cisco. Barry seems to destroy a suit every other episode. Cisco is becoming more of a seamstress than scientist.

I thought Captain Marvel (Shazam) was going to be separate as well, and liked that idea better. hoping for a slightly more child friendly version of the boy who becomes a hero.

its not so much a spoiler as the genesis of the story as a whole. It's like someone telling you mufasa dies in the lion king.

I am really enjoying the amount of cross-over they are allowing in Flash and Arrow. I can't wait for Ray and Felicity on Flash. I think Felicity really gets to shine more on Flash because of the more lighthearted environment.

Rules are/should be used to make sure people understand one another. 99% of the time it won't matter if someone used the right version of There/Their/They're as long as the point gets across. that 1% of the time it can get confusing to the reader. The rules are there just to make sure we are all on the same page,

yes I imagine that someone who spent upwards of $600 to collect varient paint jobs of a then same piece of hardware probably doesn't mind spending a few dollars on another charger.

Except why would I keep my old 3DS if I am buying the new one. Purchases are tied to a system, and they specifically mention instructions to transfer from old to new. That leaves me with a 3DS with no access to my purchased games. So either it's garbage or I sell it