
I agree in theory, though it might not make sense for all games. Mariokart for example, you only get suits for the ones compatable, what would the others give?

they need more games that give you some minor bonus for linking ANY amiibo, like the free item in hyrule warriors.

yea, I really think she is going to be a nobody just in the backround.

Felicity does not need some sort of special dad. The fact that her mom is a cocktail waitress and her dad a deadbeat and felicity turned out the way she did is what makes her amazing.

Hiding a big budget movie under a fake indie title doesn't work well anymore. everyone is hip to it. but hiding a movie behind the title of a fake big budget movie (Amazing Spiderman 3) could actually be a brilliant move.

yet another reason I haven't upgraded to a PS4 yet. why trade in my PS3 when I still have games to play. I bought dragon age 1 and 2 used for less than $20 total. Took me 2 months (2 playthroughs on DA1 one on DA2) and now I own them if I ever want to play them again.

Wow, that is a lot of stuff for one episode of Arrow. Seems everyone is going to grow more into a hero to fill the void Ollie left behind.

Yea I need the bold headlines back too. I'm sure most people do the same as me and scroll through looking only for the shows/movies that interest us.

what does he look like while surfing, does he stand majestically on his pokemon?

So hawkeye has been trapped in a bunker with 1 or 2 other agents for months, fending off advance after advance of Hydra agents trying to take them. They finally get a shield transponder up and running and it's picked up by coulson's team. Coulson's team resecues them and brings Clint up to speed on what has been

Didn't B v S wrap filming already? seems strange to put a casting call out for a significant role at this point. Maybe it's a smaller flashback role or stinger for the credits or something?

I like Jermey Irons, but it doesn't fill me with much hope when he says he is only doing the movie for publicity so he can go back to making the movies he actually wants to make.

I don't collect skylanders, but man is that "Knight Light" amazing looking. I feel let down with my amiibos after seeing him.

Looking objectively at the Cisco character, I feel like I shouldn't like him, but for some reason I love him and I don't know why. Maybe it's the actor, but I find his enthusiasm for the Flash infectious.

While a fun idea. The amazing spideman 2, which some consider a flop. made over 700M worldwide. A marvel run spiderman movie would make much more. there is no way thwy would give up that much money, and no way could netflix offer them that much.

I think the origin could easily be done as either a montage in the opening credits or a self narrated 2 min blurb after the credits at this point. something as simple as:

I'm pretty sure the Marvel Spidey (if it happened) would not be the one from those movies. There would be no electro battle or lizard in his past

I've never seen that word used in a non medical sense re a body part. I don't know if it's wrong or brilliant. maybe both.

sure, Oliver is totally dead forever. Maybe if he didn't die battling a man who is primarily know for having chemical pits that return people from the dead. Oh and there being 2 people there watching that were sympathetic/possible allies.

and an obvious play off of Mario Brothers, abbreviated the same way, and I have never heard someone say they were playing some Super Mario Bros